Riggen_HomeLab_Implementation_System Preparation and Driver Installation - itnett/FTD02H-N GitHub Wiki

Her er en oppdatert dokumentasjon som inkluderer alle de stegene vi tok for å installere de nødvendige driverne og verktøyene på Proxmox-serveren. Jeg har forklart hvorfor og hvordan vi installerte hver pakke, samt hvorfor vi fjernet noen av dem senere.

📋 Proxmox VE Configuration Documentation (Updated)

🚀 Proxmox VE Version

  • Proxmox VE Version: 8.2.0
  • Proxmox Kernel Version: 6.8.12-1-pve
  • Proxmox Manager Version: 8.2.4
  • Debian OS Version: 12.6
  • Kernel Info:
    Linux pve01 6.8.12-1-pve #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PMX 6.8.12-1 (2024-08-05T16:17Z) x86_64 GNU/Linux

🖥️ System Preparation and Driver Installation

1. 🎯 Adding Additional Repositories and Installing Packages

Repositories Added

We added Debian's non-free repository to ensure access to proprietary firmware and drivers necessary for optimal hardware compatibility, especially for network and GPU drivers.

Key Packages Installed
Package Reason Commands
parted Utility for disk partitioning needed for storage configuration. apt install parted
intel-microcode To load updated microcode for Intel CPUs to mitigate against CPU vulnerabilities. apt install intel-microcode
firmware-misc-nonfree Collection of miscellaneous firmware for various hardware components (network, GPU, etc.). apt install firmware-misc-nonfree
pve-headers Proxmox kernel headers necessary for compiling modules like GPU drivers. apt install pve-headers
nvidia-detect, dkms To detect NVIDIA GPUs and compile GPU drivers using DKMS. apt install nvidia-detect dkms
nvidia-driver To install proprietary NVIDIA drivers for better performance and compatibility. apt install nvidia-driver
lm-sensors Hardware monitoring tools to check the temperature and status of the CPU, GPU, etc. apt install lm-sensors
firmware-realtek Required firmware for Realtek network cards, which are used in the server. apt install firmware-realtek
pve-firmware Additional Proxmox firmware for compatibility with various hardware components. apt install pve-firmware
lshw Hardware lister utility for detailed information on the hardware configuration. apt-get install lshw
arp To view and manipulate the system's ARP cache for troubleshooting network connectivity. apt-get install arp -y
iputils-arping Tool to send ARP requests to test network connectivity on different network interfaces. apt install iputils-arping
network-manager Installed temporarily for network management via CLI GUI (nmtui), later removed. apt install network-manager
speedtest Official command line client for testing the speed and performance of the internet connection. sudo apt-get install speedtest -y

2. 🚀 Removing network-manager

After confirming that the default /etc/network/interfaces file was sufficient for managing network configurations in Proxmox VE, we removed network-manager to avoid conflicts between the two network management methods.

Removal Commands:

apt-get remove network-manager

Reason for Removal:

  • Proxmox VE uses the traditional ifupdown method for network configuration via /etc/network/interfaces.
  • network-manager could potentially override or conflict with these settings, causing network disruptions or unwanted behavior.
  • To maintain a stable and predictable network configuration environment in Proxmox VE, we chose to remove network-manager.

🌐 Network Configuration

🖧 Network Interfaces

Interface Description IP Address MAC Address Masked Status Connection Type
enp7s0 Onboard Intel NIC (used in bridge) - XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Active Internal onboard NIC
enp10s0 PCIe NIC (Realtek RTL8111/8168) XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Active External PCIe card
enxc4411eb4c2da USB NIC #1 (Linksys USB3GIGV1) XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Active USB Ethernet adapter
enx00e04c680451 USB NIC #2 (Realtek USB LAN) XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Active USB Ethernet adapter
vmbr0 Bridge Interface for VMs XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Active Bridged via enp7s0

🌐 Routing Table

default via dev vmbr0 proto kernel onlink dev vmbr0 proto kernel scope link src dev enp10s0 proto kernel scope link src dev enxc4411eb4c2da proto kernel scope link src dev enx00e04c680451 proto kernel scope link src

🌉 Bridge Configuration

bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
vmbr0           8000.XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  no              enp7s0

⚙️ Network Configuration (From /etc/network/interfaces)

# This is the configuration for network interfaces in Proxmox
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# Bridge interface for Proxmox VMs (Onboard NIC Intel I210)
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
    bridge-ports enp7s0
    bridge-stp off
    bridge-fd 0

# PCIe NIC (Realtek RTL8111/8168) - External PCIe card
auto enp10s0
iface enp10s0 inet dhcp

# USB NIC #1 (Linksys USB3GIGV1)
auto enxc4411eb4c2da
iface enxc4411eb4c2da inet dhcp

# USB NIC #2 (Realtek USB LAN)
auto enx00e04c680451
iface enx00e04c680451 inet dhcp

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

💾 Storage Configuration

  • Storage Status:

    Name             Type     Status           Total            Used       Available        %
    local             dir     active        97072896             128        97072768    0.00%
    local-zfs     zfspool     active        97072948              96        97072852    0.00%
  • Storage Devices:

    dir: local
            path /var/lib/vz
            content iso,vztmpl,backup
    zfspool: local-zfs
            pool rpool/data
            content images,rootdir

🧰 Virtual Machines and Containers

  • No VMs or containers found.
    Check configurations manually in /etc/pve/qemu-server/ for VMs or /etc/pve/lxc/ for containers.

📌 Notes

  • All network interfaces have been confirmed operational and connected to the home LAN.
  • Preparation for allocating NICs to various VMs (e.g., pfSense) or using sub-interfaces for VLAN support.
  • No configured VMs or containers detected yet.

✨ Next Steps

  • Start allocating NICs to your VMs (such as pfSense) or create sub-interfaces for VLAN support.
  • Update documentation with the changes as they are implemented.

This updated documentation is anonymized and ready for publication on a public GitHub repository. 🚀