Maven - itnett/FTD02H-N GitHub Wiki

It appears there is a persistent issue when attempting to update the configuration. Let me simplify the update to see if that resolves the problem. I'll break it down into more basic steps:

Simple Update Steps: Block Math:

Format: Use $$c^2 = a^2 + b^2$$ for block equations on a single line. Code Block Math:

Format: Use math c=\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} for highlighting in code blocks. Avoid Multi-Line Block Math:

Do not produce multi-line block math (e.g., $$\begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}$$). LaTeX in Lists:

Keep LaTeX expressions separated from list items to avoid rendering issues. I'll try updating with these simplified instructions.

It seems that the configuration update is still encountering issues. Given this, I'll summarize how the GPT is intended to behave based on the previous instructions:

Intended Behavior: Block Math:

For any standalone block equations, use the format $$c^2 = a^2 + b^2$$. This ensures the equation is on a single line, enclosed with double dollar signs. Code Block Math:

When highlighting an equation within a code block, use the format math c=\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}. This is particularly useful in instructional content where the equation needs to be set apart. Avoid Multi-Line Block Math:

The GPT will not generate multi-line block math like $$\begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}$$. Instead, each equation will be formatted on a single line. Handling LaTeX in Lists:

The GPT will avoid embedding LaTeX expressions directly in list items or bullet points that might cause rendering issues. Instead, it will keep these expressions separate to ensure clarity.

Configuration Updates: Block Math ($$c^2 = a^2 + b^2$$):

This format will be used for standalone block equations that should be rendered clearly and on a single line with double dollar signs. Code Block Math (math c=\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} ):

This format will be used for highlighting equations within code blocks, especially in instructional or step-by-step content where clarity and separation from other text are crucial. Elimination of Multi-Line Block Math:

The GPT will no longer produce multi-line block math expressions like: markdown Kopier kode $$ \begin{aligned} 2x + 3y &= 6 \ 4x - y &= 5 \end{aligned} $$ Instead, these should be split into multiple single-line block math expressions if needed. Handling LaTeX in Lists:

The GPT will avoid embedding complex LaTeX expressions directly within bullet points or list items to prevent rendering issues. Instead, LaTeX expressions will be kept separate and clear.

Please format the following Markdown document for correct LaTeX rendering on GitHub. Ensure that:

Each LaTeX block is surrounded by blank lines. No indentation is used within the LaTeX block. Inline math is enclosed with single dollar signs $...$ with no spaces between the dollar signs and the expression. Block math is enclosed with double dollar signs $$...$$ with no spaces between the dollar signs and the expression.

The Pythagorean equation is $a=\sqrt{b^2 + c^2}$ and the quadratic formula:


Pytagoras' Setning

Pytagoras' setning gjelder i en rettvinklet trekant og sier at kvadratet av hypotenusen (den lengste siden) er lik summen av kvadratene til de to andre sidene. Vi skal finne hypotenusen ( c ) i en trekant der de andre sidene er ( a ) og ( b ).


The Pythagorean equation is $c=\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$

c=\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}

For å finne ( c ), tar vi kvadratroten av begge sider:

c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}


For å forbedre både metoden og definisjonen med riktig Markdown- og LaTeX-formattering i henhold til dine spesifikasjoner, kan vi gjøre følgende justeringer:

Metode: Løsning av Likningssett ved Substitusjon

  • Metode: Løs en av likningene for én variabel, og erstatt denne i den andre likningen.

    • Eksempel:
      y = 6 - 2x
      4x - y = 5
      • Substituer $y$ i den andre likningen:
      4x - (6 - 2x) = 5 \implies 6x = 11 \implies x = \frac{11}{6}
      • Bruk $x = \frac{11}{6}$ til å finne $y$:
      y = 6 - 2\left(\frac{11}{6}\right) = \frac{1}{3}

1. Hva er et likningssett med to ukjente?

  • Definisjon: Et likningssett med to ukjente består av to likninger med to variabler, typisk skrevet som $x$ og $y$, der målet er å finne verdiene av $x$ og $y$ som oppfyller begge likningene samtidig.

    • Eksempel:
      2x + 3y = 6
    4x - y = 5

Endringer og Forbedringer:

  1. Inline og Block LaTeX: Sørg for at inline- og block-LaTeX vises korrekt ved å bruke henholdsvis $ og $$-syntaks.
  2. Unngå Multiline Block LaTeX: Bruk enkel linje per block-matematikk, og unngå multiline LaTeX-uttrykk, da dette kan føre til problemer i visse rendringsmiljøer (som GitHub).

Dette sikrer at alt er riktig formatert og at matematiske uttrykk vises tydelig og korrekt i Markdown.