Lab Setups in Proxmox for Various Network Tools - itnett/FTD02H-N GitHub Wiki

🧪 Proof of Concept Installs and Lab Setups in Proxmox for Various Network Tools

To implement and evaluate the different tools listed in your comprehensive comparison, here's a step-by-step approach for setting up a lab environment in Proxmox for each solution:

🏗️ Lab Setup Overview

  1. Proxmox VE Installation:

    • Begin with a clean installation of Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) on your server hardware. Ensure that your hardware has sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, Storage) to run multiple virtual machines (VMs).
    • Configure Proxmox VE with a basic network bridge for VM networking. This bridge will serve as the primary network interface for all VMs.
    • Add additional bridges or VLANs as needed for more complex network topologies.
  2. Network Appliance Deployment:

    • For each tool (OpenWrt, OPNsense, pfSense, VyOS, IPFire, etc.), deploy a VM in Proxmox VE.
    • Download the respective ISO or OVA image from the tool's official website.
    • Create a new VM in Proxmox, allocate the necessary resources (CPU, RAM, disk), and attach the downloaded image as the installation media.
    • Configure network interfaces according to the tool's requirements (typically a minimum of two interfaces: one for WAN, another for LAN).
  3. GNS3, EVE-NG, and Alternatives:

    • Deploy GNS3 or EVE-NG as a VM or LXC container in Proxmox. Both tools are available as virtual appliances.
    • For GNS3, ensure the VM has sufficient resources and enable nested virtualization for running network device images.
    • For EVE-NG, follow the same steps but consider allocating more RAM and storage, as EVE-NG can be resource-intensive with multiple nodes.
  4. Network Integration:

    • Integrate these virtual appliances with the physical or virtual network. Utilize Proxmox’s networking features like VLANs, bridges, or SDN controllers to connect VMs to physical network segments or to each other within Proxmox.
    • If integrating with physical hardware (Unifi, Cisco, Fortinet, etc.), ensure that Proxmox is connected to the physical network infrastructure and configure VLAN tagging or trunking appropriately.
  5. Testing and Use Case Validation:

    • Validate the routing and switching capabilities of each tool in your Proxmox environment:
      • OpenWrt: Test lightweight routing, VLAN tagging, and basic integration with devices like Unifi.
      • OPNsense and pfSense: Test complex routing scenarios, VPNs, and VLAN management.
      • VyOS: Validate enterprise-grade routing features like MPLS, BGP, OSPF, and integration with Cisco.
      • GNS3/EVE-NG: Create complex multi-vendor network simulations, connecting various virtual devices and possibly linking to physical hardware.
    • Document each test scenario, the performance of each tool, and any limitations encountered.

💡 Example Use Cases and Configurations

  • Home Lab Setup with OpenWrt and pfSense:

    • Deploy OpenWrt for basic router tasks and pfSense for firewall and VPN configurations.
    • Integrate with a Unifi switch for VLAN tagging and wireless network management.
  • Enterprise Simulation with VyOS and EVE-NG:

    • Use VyOS for simulating complex routing protocols in a multi-branch network setup.
    • Utilize EVE-NG to create a lab environment replicating a production network with multiple vendors (Cisco routers, Juniper switches, Fortinet firewalls).
  • SDN Lab with Mininet and NS-3:

    • Deploy Mininet to test SDN controllers and applications.
    • Use NS-3 for academic research on wireless networks or custom protocol development.

🔧 Steps to Implement Each Tool in Proxmox

1. OpenWrt Setup

  • Download: Obtain the OpenWrt x86_64 ISO image.
  • Proxmox Configuration:
    • Create a VM with minimal resources (1 CPU, 512MB RAM, 2GB Disk).
    • Attach the ISO to the VM and start the installation.
    • Configure network interfaces as needed.
  • Integration: Use VLAN tagging for multiple network segments.

2. OPNsense and pfSense Setup

  • Download: Obtain the OPNsense and pfSense ISO images.
  • Proxmox Configuration:
    • Allocate more resources (2 CPUs, 2GB RAM, 10GB Disk) for robust performance.
    • Install and configure multiple network interfaces.
  • Integration: Connect to Proxmox bridges or physical networks for WAN/LAN segregation.

3. VyOS Deployment

  • Download: Get the VyOS ISO image.
  • Proxmox Configuration:
    • Create a VM with moderate resources (2 CPUs, 2GB RAM, 8GB Disk).
    • Install and configure VyOS with advanced routing protocols.
  • Integration: Link with other VMs or physical network devices for real-world simulation.

4. GNS3/EVE-NG Installation

  • Download: Obtain the GNS3 or EVE-NG OVA appliance.
  • Proxmox Configuration:
    • Import the appliance into Proxmox and allocate sufficient resources (4 CPUs, 8GB RAM, 100GB Disk).
    • Enable nested virtualization.
  • Integration: Utilize Proxmox bridges for connecting to other VMs and the external network.

5. Mininet and NS-3 for SDN Research

  • Download: Install Mininet on a lightweight Linux VM or container.
  • Proxmox Configuration:
    • Create a VM with appropriate resources for your simulation.
    • Install NS-3 directly on the VM OS.
  • Integration: Test SDN controllers and create SDN-enabled network topologies.

🔍 Observations and Evaluation Metrics

  • Performance Metrics:
    • Measure CPU, RAM, and disk usage for each tool.
    • Test throughput, latency, and network performance in different configurations.
  • Usability:
    • Evaluate the ease of installation, configuration, and management in Proxmox.
  • Integration and Compatibility:
    • Test integration with different network hardware and virtual devices.

📊 Conclusion

This lab environment will help you compare and contrast the capabilities of each network tool within Proxmox. You can simulate different network scenarios, validate performance, and understand the best use cases for each tool in various contexts—ranging from home labs to enterprise environments.

Would you like to dive deeper into any specific tool's configuration or have further questions on setting up your Proxmox lab environment?

To help visualize the different network topologies using the tools mentioned, I'll create several network diagrams. These diagrams will represent typical use cases and configurations that you might implement in a Proxmox lab environment.

🌐 Network Topologies Overview

  1. Basic Home Lab with OpenWrt and pfSense
  2. Medium-Sized Office Network with OPNsense
  3. Enterprise-Level Network Simulation with VyOS and EVE-NG
  4. SDN Research Lab with Mininet and NS-3

I'll create these network diagrams to illustrate the setups. Let me generate them for you.

Here's the network topology for a Basic Home Lab with OpenWrt and pfSense: output (5)

  • Proxmox Server hosts both the OpenWrt VM and pfSense VM.
  • These VMs are connected to a Unifi Switch, which then connects to various LAN Devices.

Next, I'll create a network diagram for a Medium-Sized Office Network with OPNsense. output (4)

This diagram illustrates a Medium-Sized Office Network with OPNsense:

  • Proxmox Server runs the OPNsense VM for routing and firewall functions.
  • The OPNsense VM is connected to both a Unifi Switch (for internal office LAN devices) and a Cisco Router (providing WAN/Internet connectivity).
  • The Unifi Switch manages the Office LAN Devices.

Next, I'll create a network diagram for an Enterprise-Level Network Simulation with VyOS and EVE-NG. output (3)

This diagram depicts an Enterprise-Level Network Simulation with VyOS and EVE-NG:

  • The Proxmox Server hosts both the VyOS VM and EVE-NG VM.
  • VyOS VM connects to a Cisco Core Switch for advanced routing and switching simulations.
  • EVE-NG VM connects to a Fortinet Firewall to simulate firewall configurations and policies.
  • The Cisco Core Switch connects to Data Center Devices and the Fortinet Firewall connects to the Internet/WAN.
  • A Remote Branch is represented as a remote connection to the Internet/WAN.

Next, I'll create a diagram for an SDN Research Lab with Mininet and NS-3.

output (2)

This diagram shows an SDN Research Lab with Mininet and NS-3:

  • The Proxmox Server hosts both the Mininet VM and NS-3 VM.
  • Mininet VM connects to an SDN Controller to simulate software-defined network environments.
  • NS-3 VM connects to an OpenFlow Switch for further SDN and network protocol research.
  • The SDN Controller also connects to the OpenFlow Switch to manage SDN flows and policies.
  • OpenFlow Switch connects to various Test Network Devices.
  • Research Workstations are connected to the Mininet VM for testing and development.

These diagrams provide a visual representation of the different network setups you can implement in Proxmox for various network simulation and research purposes. Would you like to dive deeper into any specific configuration or have any other questions?

Jeg tegnede diagrammerne ved hjælp af Python-programmeringssproget og bibliotekerne Matplotlib og NetworkX. Disse værktøjer bruges til at skabe grafiske repræsentationer af netværk, hvor NetworkX bruges til at definere noder og forbindelser (kanter) i netværket, og Matplotlib bruges til at visualisere diagrammet.

Du kan bruge disse værktøjer ved at skrive et Python-script, som definerer noder, kanter og deres positioner, og derefter kalde en funktion som draw_network_topology() for at tegne netværksdiagrammet.

Hvis du vil oprette dine egne netværksdiagrammer, kan du bruge en Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) som f.eks. PyCharm eller VSCode, installere de nødvendige biblioteker (matplotlib og networkx), og derefter skrive og køre dit script.

Hvis du ønsker et andet værktøj, der ikke kræver programmering, kan du også bruge visuelle diagramværktøjer som:

  • eller (gratis og webbaseret)
  • Microsoft Visio (kommercielt)
  • Lucidchart (webbaseret og har både gratis og betalte planer)

Disse værktøjer har træk-og-slip-funktioner, der gør det nemt at tegne netværksdiagrammer uden at skulle skrive kode.

Her er et eksempel på, hvordan du kan formatere og inkludere Python-kode til at generere et netværksdiagram i Markdown til en GitHub Wiki:

Eksempel på GitHub Wiki Markdown med Python-kode

# Enterprise-Level Network Simulation with VyOS and EVE-NG

Dette eksempel viser, hvordan du kan generere et netværksdiagram for en entreprise-lab med VyOS og EVE-NG ved hjælp af Python, Matplotlib, og NetworkX.

## 🖥️ Python-kode

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

# Funktion til at tegne netværksdiagram
def draw_network_topology(title, nodes, edges, pos):
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    G = nx.Graph()
    nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color='lightblue', font_weight='bold', node_size=2000, edge_color='gray', font_size=10)

# Definér noder og kanter for entreprise-netværket
nodes_enterprise_network = ['Proxmox Server', 'VyOS VM', 'EVE-NG VM', 'Cisco Core Switch', 'Fortinet Firewall', 'Data Center Devices', 'Remote Branch', 'Internet/WAN']
edges_enterprise_network = [
    ('Proxmox Server', 'VyOS VM'),
    ('Proxmox Server', 'EVE-NG VM'),
    ('VyOS VM', 'Cisco Core Switch'),
    ('EVE-NG VM', 'Fortinet Firewall'),
    ('Cisco Core Switch', 'Data Center Devices'),
    ('Cisco Core Switch', 'Fortinet Firewall'),
    ('Fortinet Firewall', 'Internet/WAN'),
    ('Internet/WAN', 'Remote Branch')
pos_enterprise_network = {
    'Proxmox Server': (0, 1),
    'VyOS VM': (-1, 0.5),
    'EVE-NG VM': (1, 0.5),
    'Cisco Core Switch': (-1, -1),
    'Fortinet Firewall': (1, -1),
    'Data Center Devices': (-2, -2),
    'Remote Branch': (2, -2),
    'Internet/WAN': (0, -2)

# Tegn entreprise-netværket
draw_network_topology('Enterprise-Level Network Simulation with VyOS and EVE-NG', nodes_enterprise_network, edges_enterprise_network, pos_enterprise_network)

📊 Diagram Forklaring

Dette script bruger Python til at generere et netværksdiagram, der viser, hvordan VyOS og EVE-NG kan bruges til at simulere et komplekst enterprise-netværk. Diagrammet inkluderer flere noder som en Proxmox Server, VyOS VM, EVE-NG VM, og forbindelser til fysiske netværksenheder som en Cisco Core Switch og Fortinet Firewall.

📥 Forudsætninger

Før du kan køre denne kode, skal du installere de nødvendige Python-biblioteker:

pip install matplotlib networkx

🛠️ Kørsel

Kopier koden ovenfor ind i en Python-fil, og kør den ved hjælp af en Python-miljø som f.eks. Anaconda eller direkte i en Python-terminal.

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- Kopier Markdown-koden ind i din GitHub Wiki-side.
- Koden mellem triple backticks (` ```python ` og ` ``` `) formaterer Python-koden korrekt i GitHub Wiki.
- Inkluder forklaringer og forudsætninger for brugere, der muligvis vil genskabe diagrammet.

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