20TD02Z_Repos - itnett/FTD02H-N GitHub Wiki

GitHub Repositories for Project Management

Problemstilling, Resultatmål og Effektmål

  1. project-management-cheatsheet
    • Description: This repository contains a cheatsheet for project management that outlines essential concepts and practices, including problem identification, setting result goals, and impact goals.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Problem statement formulation
      • Result and impact goal setting
      • Project scope and objectives

Utvikling av Prosjektgrupper

  1. project-team-development
    • Description: This repository provides resources and guides on developing effective project teams, focusing on team dynamics, communication, and collaboration.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Team roles and responsibilities
      • Communication strategies
      • Conflict resolution


  1. project-administration-toolkit
    • Description: Tools and templates for project administration, including project charters, schedules, and progress tracking.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project scheduling
      • Progress tracking
      • Administrative documentation

Utarbeide Kravspesifikasjon

  1. requirements-specification-template
    • Description: A template for creating detailed requirements specifications for projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Functional and non-functional requirements
      • User stories and acceptance criteria
      • Requirements validation

Initierings- og Planleggingsprosessen

  1. project-initiation-and-planning
    • Description: Guides and templates for initiating and planning projects, including project charters, stakeholder analysis, and risk management plans.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project initiation
      • Planning methodologies
      • Risk management

Lovkrav og Standarder Databasert Prosjektstyringsverktøy

  1. openproject
    • Description: OpenProject is a web-based project management software that supports teams throughout the entire project life cycle. It includes features for compliance with legal requirements and standards.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Legal compliance
      • Project standards
      • Database management

Ressursstyring, Sammenhengen Mellom Arbeidsomfang og Varighet og Ressurser i Prosjektplan

  1. resource-management-tool
    • Description: A tool for managing resources in project plans, tracking work scope, duration, and resource allocation.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Resource allocation
      • Work breakdown structure
      • Duration estimation

Risikovurdering, Avvikshåndtering og Endringer

  1. risk-management
    • Description: Resources and tools for risk assessment, handling deviations, and managing changes in projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Risk identification and assessment
      • Change management
      • Deviation handling

Anbud, Tilbud og Kontrakter

  1. contract-management
    • Description: Templates and guidelines for managing bids, proposals, and contracts in projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Bid preparation
      • Proposal writing
      • Contract negotiation

Dokumentasjon og Prosjektrapporter, Service- og Brukerdokumentasjon

  1. project-documentation-template
    • Description: A comprehensive template for creating project documentation, including project reports, service documentation, and user manuals.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project reporting
      • Service documentation
      • User manuals



Kandidaten har kunnskap om:

  • Prosjektteori og sentrale prosjektstyringsprinsipper
  • Utfordringer og muligheter prosjektarbeid gir


Kandidaten kan:

  • Benytte grunnleggende prosjektmetodikk og har innovative ferdigheter
  • Bruke metoder, modeller og IT-verktøy i gjennomføring av prosjekt
  • Planlegge og gjennomføre reelle prosjekter

Generell Kompetanse

Kandidaten kan:

  • Arbeide i prosjektteam på en systematisk måte etter anerkjente metoder og modeller for problemløsning og prosjektstyring
  • Vise forståelse for teamarbeidets betydning for prosjektets suksess
  • Utøve god praksis innenfor fagområdet gjennom erfaring fra prosjektarbeid

These repositories provide valuable resources and tools for project management, covering essential topics such as problem statement formulation, team development, project administration, and risk management. By utilizing these resources, students and professionals can enhance their project management skills and ensure successful project execution.

GitHub Repositories for Project Management

Problemstilling, Resultatmål og Effektmål

  1. project-management-cheatsheet
    • Description: This repository contains a comprehensive cheatsheet for project management, covering essential concepts such as problem identification, setting result goals, and impact goals.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Problem statement formulation
      • Result and impact goal setting
      • Project scope and objectives

Utvikling av Prosjektgrupper

  1. team-building-guide
    • Description: This repository provides resources and guidelines for developing effective project teams, focusing on team dynamics, communication, and collaboration.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Team roles and responsibilities
      • Communication strategies
      • Conflict resolution


  1. openproject
    • Description: OpenProject is a comprehensive open-source project management tool that supports project planning, scheduling, task management, and team collaboration.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project scheduling
      • Progress tracking
      • Administrative documentation

Utarbeide Kravspesifikasjon

  1. requirements-template
    • Description: A template for creating detailed requirements specifications for projects, covering both functional and non-functional requirements.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Functional and non-functional requirements
      • User stories and acceptance criteria
      • Requirements validation

Initierings- og Planleggingsprosessen

  1. project-planning-guide
    • Description: Guides and templates for initiating and planning projects, including project charters, stakeholder analysis, and risk management plans.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project initiation
      • Planning methodologies
      • Risk management

Lovkrav og Standarder Databasert Prosjektstyringsverktøy

  1. openproject
    • Description: OpenProject also serves as a robust project management software that helps teams throughout the entire project life cycle, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and standards.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Legal compliance
      • Project standards
      • Database management

Ressursstyring, Sammenhengen Mellom Arbeidsomfang og Varighet og Ressurser i Prosjektplan

  1. resource-management
    • Description: A repository focused on managing resources in project plans, tracking work scope, duration, and resource allocation.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Resource allocation
      • Work breakdown structure
      • Duration estimation

Risikovurdering, Avvikshåndtering og Endringer

  1. risk-management
    • Description: Resources and tools for risk assessment, handling deviations, and managing changes in projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Risk identification and assessment
      • Change management
      • Deviation handling

Anbud, Tilbud og Kontrakter

  1. contract-management
    • Description: Templates and guidelines for managing bids, proposals, and contracts in projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Bid preparation
      • Proposal writing
      • Contract negotiation

Dokumentasjon og Prosjektrapporter, Service- og Brukerdokumentasjon

  1. project-documentation
    • Description: A comprehensive template for creating project documentation, including project reports, service documentation, and user manuals.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project reporting
      • Service documentation
      • User manuals

These repositories provide valuable resources and tools for project management, covering essential topics such as problem statement formulation, team development, project administration, and risk management. Utilizing these resources can enhance project management skills and ensure successful project execution.