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GitHub Resources for Main Project

Here are some useful GitHub repositories to help you with the various aspects of a main project, including report writing, team collaboration, and project management.

Writing Reports and Project Documentation

  1. academicpages/academicpages.github.io

    • This repository is a template for academic websites, which can be adapted for project documentation.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Markdown documentation
      • Academic reporting templates
      • Project summaries and updates
      • Example reports

    academicpages/academicpages.github.io README

Project Management and Collaboration

  1. microsoft/Project-Specific-Guidance

    • This repository contains best practices and guidance for managing software projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project planning and management
      • Agile methodologies
      • Collaboration tools
      • Documentation and reporting standards
  2. GitHub Project Management

    • Utilize GitHub’s project management features such as issues, project boards, and wikis.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Kanban boards
      • Issue tracking
      • Milestone tracking
      • Team collaboration

Skills Development and Practical Guidance

  1. MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs

    • Documentation for Azure services, which can be used for projects related to cloud computing.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Azure services and solutions
      • Step-by-step guides
      • Best practices for deployment and management
  2. terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm

    • The repository for the Terraform provider for Azure, useful for infrastructure as code projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Terraform configurations
      • Infrastructure provisioning
      • Automated deployments

Communication and Presentation

  1. reveal.js
    • A framework for creating presentations using HTML. Perfect for project presentations and final reporting.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Creating interactive presentations
      • Presentation themes and customization
      • Markdown support for slide content


Kunnskap: Kandidaten

  • Har kunnskap om hvordan man skriver en rapport om et prosjekt.
  • Har særskilte kunnskaper om et selvvalgt tema med en problemstilling innenfor fordypningen.
  • Har kunnskap om hvordan man innhenter informasjon om tema for et hovedprosjekt.
  • Har kunnskap om sammenhengen mellom teori og praksis.
  • Kan vurdere eget prosjekt i forhold til gjeldende normer og krav.
  • Kjenner til bransjen/yrker som er knyttet til tema i hovedprosjektet.

Ferdigheter: Kandidaten

  • Kan gjøre rede for valg av tema for hovedprosjekt.
  • Kan identifisere, kartlegge og vurdere en faglig problemstilling.
  • Kan delta i teamarbeid, planlegge, kommunisere og presentere prosjektarbeid og resultat.
  • Kan skrive en rapport om et prosjekt.
  • Kan drøfte sammenhengen mellom teori og praksis.
  • Kan reflektere over eget prosjekt og justere dette under veiledning av fagfolk.
  • Kan finne og henvise til informasjon og fagstoff for å vurdere relevansen til en problemstilling i et prosjekt.

Generell kompetanse: Kandidaten

  • Kan planlegge og gjennomføre et prosjektarbeid alene og som deltaker i gruppe i tråd med formelle og etiske krav og retningslinjer.
  • Har utviklet en bevissthet rundt prosjektarbeid og kan fordype seg i tema som danner grunnlag for prosjektet, samt tenke kreativt og nyskapende.
  • Kan utføre et prosjektarbeid i tråd med bedrifter eller arbeidsgivers behov.
  • Kan utveksle synspunkter med andre i team eller bedrift og delta i diskusjoner om utvikling av et prosjekt.

These resources will provide you with the necessary tools and examples to successfully manage, document, and present your main project, covering both technical and communication aspects.

GitHub Resources for Main Project

Here are some useful GitHub repositories to help you with various aspects of a main project, including report writing, team collaboration, and project management.

Writing Reports and Project Documentation

  1. academicpages/academicpages.github.io
    • This repository is a template for academic websites, which can be adapted for project documentation. It is designed to separate the website's content from its form using structured markdown files.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Markdown documentation
      • Academic reporting templates
      • Project summaries and updates
      • Example reports
    • Getting Started:
      • Fork the repository and rename it to [your GitHub username].github.io to set your website URL.
      • Customize site-wide configurations in the _config.yml file.
      • Add content using markdown files for different sections like publications, talks, and pages.
    • Additional Features:
      • Use Jupyter notebooks or Python scripts in the markdown_generator folder to generate markdown files from a CSV file for publications and talks.

Project Management and Collaboration

  1. microsoft/Project-Specific-Guidance

    • This repository contains best practices and guidance for managing software projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project planning and management
      • Agile methodologies
      • Collaboration tools
      • Documentation and reporting standards
    • Highlights:
      • Practical advice for setting up and running projects using GitHub and other collaboration tools.
      • Detailed guides on various aspects of project management, from planning to execution and monitoring.
  2. GitHub Project Management

    • Utilize GitHub’s project management features such as issues, project boards, and wikis.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Kanban boards for task management
      • Issue tracking and milestones
      • Team collaboration through pull requests and discussions
    • Key Features:
      • Integrated tools to manage and track progress on projects within GitHub.
      • Visualization tools like Kanban boards and Gantt charts to monitor project timelines.

Skills Development and Practical Guidance

  1. MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs

    • Documentation for Azure services, which can be used for projects related to cloud computing.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Comprehensive guides on Azure services and solutions
      • Step-by-step tutorials for various Azure deployments
      • Best practices for managing cloud resources
  2. terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm

    • The repository for the Terraform provider for Azure, useful for infrastructure as code projects.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Terraform configurations for Azure resources
      • Examples and documentation for deploying infrastructure
      • Automated deployment scripts and best practices

Communication and Presentation

  1. reveal.js
    • A framework for creating presentations using HTML. Perfect for project presentations and final reporting.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Creating interactive and visually appealing presentations
      • Customizable themes and transitions
      • Support for Markdown to simplify slide creation
    • Features:
      • Easy to use and flexible for various presentation needs.
      • Interactive elements like animations and multimedia integration.

These resources will provide you with the necessary tools and examples to successfully manage, document, and present your main project, covering both technical and communication aspects. For more details, you can explore the repositories directly: