00TD02A Ultimate LaTeX Resource Guide_Part2 - itnett/FTD02H-N GitHub Wiki

Advanced Custom Commands in LaTeX

Creating custom commands can significantly streamline your LaTeX workflow. Advanced custom commands can include optional arguments, and even conditionally format text.



Custom Commands with Optional Arguments

% Define a command with an optional argument

% Usage:
\vect{v} % Default color
\vect[red]{v} % Custom color

Conditional Formatting

% Define a command that conditionally formats text
\newcommand{\highlightrule}[1]{\ifthenelse{#1 > 0}{\textbf{#1}}{\textit{#1}}}

% Usage:
\highlightrule{5} % Bold text
\highlightrule{-3} % Italic text

Creating Interactive Graphics in LaTeX

Interactive graphics can greatly enhance the usability and visual appeal of your LaTeX documents. Below are resources and examples for creating such graphics.



Basic TikZ Interactive Graphic

  \draw[fill=blue!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
  \node at (1,1) {Click me};
  \node[anchor=north] at (1,2) {\href{http://example.com}{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{Link}}}};

PSTricks Interactive Graphic


Multi-Column and Multi-Page Tables in LaTeX

Creating complex tables that span multiple columns or pages can be achieved using advanced LaTeX techniques. Here are resources and examples.



Multi-Column Table

\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Merged Cell} & Cell \\
Column1 & Column2 & Column3 \\

Multi-Page Table

Header1 & Header2 & Header3 \\
Header1 & Header2 & Header3 \\
Data1 & Data2 & Data3 \\
Data4 & Data5 & Data6 \\
% More rows here

Designing Custom Beamer Themes

Beamer is a LaTeX class for creating presentations. Custom themes can make your presentations stand out.



Basic Custom Theme



  \frametitle{Custom Themed Slide}
  This slide uses a custom Beamer theme.

Advanced Custom Theme


    \draw[fill=blue!20] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,2);
    \node[anchor=west] at (0,1) {\insertframetitle};

  \frametitle{Advanced Custom Themed Slide}
  This slide uses an advanced custom Beamer theme.

Integrating LaTeX with External Data Sources

Integrating LaTeX with external data sources can streamline your workflow and enhance your document functionality.


  • Pandoc: A universal document converter that supports LaTeX, allowing you to convert LaTeX documents to and from various formats.
  • R and LaTeX: Using R with LaTeX for dynamic report generation.
  • PythonTeX: Integration of Python with LaTeX for dynamic content.
  • Excel2LaTeX: Tool to convert Excel tables to LaTeX.


Pandoc Integration

pandoc input.md -o output.pdf --pdf-engine=pdflatex

R and LaTeX Integration



PythonTeX Integration

print("Hello from Python!")

Excel2LaTeX Integration

  1. Create your table in Excel.
  2. Use the Excel2LaTeX add-in to export the table to LaTeX.
  3. Insert the generated LaTeX code into your document.


Exploring these advanced LaTeX techniques and resources will further enhance your ability to create professional, high-quality documents. Whether you're creating custom commands, designing graphics, or integrating external data, these tools and guides will help you utilize LaTeX to its full potential.

Related topics to explore:

  1. Interactive LaTeX Documents
  2. Advanced Mathematical Typesetting
  3. Automating LaTeX Workflows
  4. Custom LaTeX Templates
  5. LaTeX for Scientific Publications

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Interactive LaTeX Documents

Creating interactive LaTeX documents can enhance the user experience by providing clickable links, interactive graphics, and embedded multimedia.



Hyperlinks with Hyperref

\href{http://example.com}{Click here to visit Example.com}

Embedding Videos with Media9

]{\fbox{Click to play}}{VPlayer.swf}

Interactive Graphics with TikZ

  \draw[fill=blue!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
  \node at (1,1) {\hyperlink{http://example.com}{Click me}};

Advanced Mathematical Typesetting

Advanced mathematical typesetting allows you to create complex equations and structures, making your documents more professional and readable.


  • AMS-LaTeX: Advanced math features provided by the American Mathematical Society.
  • MathJax: A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.
  • Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List: Extensive list of mathematical symbols.



  a^2 + b^2 &= c^2 \\
  e^{i\pi} + 1 &= 0

MathJax Integration

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script type="text/javascript" async
  $$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$$

Automating LaTeX Workflows

Automation can save time and reduce errors in your LaTeX document preparation process.


  • Makefile: Automate the build process for LaTeX documents.
  • Arara: A flexible automation tool for LaTeX.
  • Latexmk: A Perl script for running LaTeX the correct number of times.



    pdflatex main.tex
    bibtex main
    pdflatex main.tex
    pdflatex main.tex

    rm -f *.aux *.log *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.out


% arara: pdflatex
% arara: bibtex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
Hello, world!


latexmk -pdf main.tex

Custom LaTeX Templates

Creating custom LaTeX templates can help standardize the formatting and styling of your documents.



Custom Article Template

\geometry{a4paper, margin=1in}

\title{Custom LaTeX Template}
\author{Your Name}

This is an abstract.

This is the introduction section.

This is the methods section.

This is the results section.

This is the conclusion section.


LaTeX for Scientific Publications

Using LaTeX for scientific publications ensures your documents meet professional standards required by journals and conferences.



Elsevier Template


  \author{Author Name}

    This is an abstract.

    Keyword1 \sep Keyword2 \sep Keyword3

This is the introduction section.


IEEE Template


\author{Author Name\\


This is an abstract.

This is the introduction section.



Exploring these advanced LaTeX techniques and resources will further enhance your ability to create professional, high-quality documents. Whether you're creating interactive documents, automating workflows, or preparing scientific publications, these tools and guides will help you utilize LaTeX to its full potential.

Related topics to explore:

  1. Creating LaTeX Classes and Packages
  2. Advanced Document Customization
  3. Using LaTeX with Version Control
  4. Integrating LaTeX with Cloud Services
  5. Customizing LaTeX Output Formats

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Creating LaTeX Classes and Packages

Developing custom LaTeX classes and packages allows you to tailor the document structure and formatting to specific needs, enabling reuse and consistency across documents.



Custom LaTeX Class

\ProvidesClass{myclass}[2024/07/24 Custom LaTeX Class]

% Custom class options

% Redefine maketitle
    {\huge \@title \par}
    \vskip 1em
    {\large \@author \par}
    \vskip 1em
    {\today \par}

% Custom commands


Custom LaTeX Package

\ProvidesPackage{mypackage}[2024/07/24 Custom LaTeX Package]


% Package options


Advanced Document Customization

Advanced customization of LaTeX documents allows for precise control over the layout and styling.



Custom Page Layout


This is a custom page layout.

Custom Headers and Footers

\fancyhead[L]{My Custom Header}

This document has custom headers and footers.

Using LaTeX with Version Control

Integrating LaTeX with version control systems like Git can enhance collaborative writing and document management.



Basic Git Workflow for LaTeX

# Initialize a new Git repository
git init

# Add LaTeX files to the repository
git add *.tex

# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Initial commit"

# Create a new branch
git checkout -b draft

# Push to a remote repository
git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/yourrepository.git
git push -u origin master

Using Git with Overleaf

  1. Link your Overleaf project with a GitHub repository.
  2. Use git clone to copy the project locally.
  3. Edit your LaTeX files and use Git commands to manage versions.
  4. Push changes to GitHub and pull updates from Overleaf.

Integrating LaTeX with Cloud Services

Using cloud services can enhance the accessibility and collaboration capabilities of your LaTeX projects.



Syncing Overleaf with Dropbox

  1. Link your Overleaf account to Dropbox from the Overleaf settings.
  2. Select a Dropbox folder to sync with your Overleaf project.
  3. Changes made in Overleaf will automatically sync with Dropbox and vice versa.

Using Google Drive with Overleaf

  1. Link your Google Drive account to Overleaf.
  2. Open or save LaTeX files directly from Google Drive within Overleaf.

Customizing LaTeX Output Formats

Customizing output formats allows you to generate documents in various formats like PDF, HTML, and EPUB.


  • Pandoc: Universal document converter that supports LaTeX.
  • LaTeXML: Converts LaTeX documents to XML, HTML, and MathML.
  • TeX4ht: Converts LaTeX to HTML.


Converting LaTeX to HTML with Pandoc

pandoc document.tex -s -o document.html

Converting LaTeX to EPUB with Pandoc

pandoc document.tex -s -o document.epub

Using LaTeXML for HTML Conversion

latexml --dest=document.xml document.tex
latexmlpost --dest=document.html document.xml


Exploring these advanced LaTeX techniques and resources will further enhance your ability to create professional, high-quality documents. Whether you're developing custom classes, automating workflows, integrating with version control, or customizing output formats, these tools and guides will help you utilize LaTeX to its full potential.

Related topics to explore:

  1. LaTeX for Large Projects
  2. Advanced Graphics with PGFPlots
  3. Real-Time Collaboration in LaTeX
  4. LaTeX Document Management Tools
  5. Scripting with LaTeX

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