Turn Management (Backchannel) - isir/greta GitHub Wiki

Integrated turn management module for smooth and natural manager of turn taking, backchannel.


  • Install conda or anaconda from https://www.anaconda.com/
  • Install python3 (usually installed with anaconda but not for some reasons [e.g. Path to "python.exe" is not set globally])
  • You can test it by loading Greta - Microphone - backchannel.xml from Modular.jar. If it is correctly installed, Greta will do some nodding to your utterance.


  1. In Modular.jar, add Microphone module from [Add -> Input -> Microphone]
  2. In Modular.jar, add TurnManagement module from [Add -> Input -> Dialogue -> TurnManagement]
  3. Create the following connections in Modular.jar: Feedback -> TurnManagement, TurnManagement -> BehaviorPlanner
  4. When you are speaking something and Greta is not talking, the module randomly picks one XML file from bin/Examples/DemoEN/backchannel upon several rules written in /bin/Common/Data/TurnManagement/turnManager.py
  5. Some rules were based on the previous backchannels module

Default server setup

  • Microphone stream server: TCP at port 9000 of localhost
  • Feedback server from Greta: TCP at port 5960
  • Main management server from Greta: TCP at port 5961
  • You can modify the microphone port number by replacing with your favorite number at the Microphone module in Modular.jar and press update button
  • When you modify port number of Microphone streaming server in Modular.jar, you also need to update it in this module as well



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