Monk's Wall Enhancement - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Monk's Wall Enhancement

A Foundry VTT module that provides various wall based enhancements.


Install the module via Foundry's Add-on Modules screen.

Usage & Current Features

Drag Wall Points Together

When selected, dragging a wall point to a new location will also move any other wall points that exactly overlapped the first one. So instead of having to move both wall points to the new location it will maintain the connection between wall joints and move the second one. Saves me some time when editing lengths of wall.

This option can enabled or disabled in the module settings.

Double-Click to Split Wall

If you want to split a wall into two parts, enable this in the module setting, then double-clicking somewhere along the line will split it into two parts.

This option can enabled or disabled in the module settings.

Join Points

While having some wall segments selected, it will go through the points and find ones that are close to each other, and match them up. If you have snap to grid on it won't join points; to use this feature you need to be holding down the shift key. Tolerance can be adjusted in the module settings.

This option can enabled or disabled in the module settings.

Condense Wall Types

If enabled, this condenses the wall types down to one button that expands to select your wall type.

This option can enabled or disabled in the module settings.

Freehand Wall Drawing

Toggle this setting on and when you draw a wall you can draw it like you would a line. When you release the button, it will try and find the most economical use of line segments to create the wall. This is great for cave walls, you can draw along the edge of the cavern image and have a very reasonable approximation. The tolerance can adjusted in the module settings.

Manually Edit Endpoints

Adds the option to manually input the endpoints of a wall on it's configuration window.

Move Walls

Adds the option to allow positioning of wall using arrow keys. If you hold down the Shift key you can move one of the points, and Ctrl + Shift to move the other one.

Toggle Secret Door

Holding down the CTRL key while Right Clicking a door will toggle it from being a secret door to a regular door.

This can be used in conjunction with [Monk's Active Tile Triggers]] to quickly trigger a [door whenever it's state changes to or from secret.

This option can enabled or disabled in the module settings.

Convert Drawing to Walls

Converts the currently selected drawings into walls.

Automatic Wall Adjustment when Resizing Scene

When changing a scene's grid or canvas size, this adds a prompt asking if you want to it to automatically attempt to adjust walls to match the new sizes.

Clearer Wall Icons

Replaces the default wall names and icons with ones intended to be more clear; invisible walls becomes windows, ethereal walls becomes curtains.

This option can enabled or disabled in the module settings.

One-Way Doors

Adds the option for one-way doors. If your door has a direction on it, then players can walk through the door one way, but it becomes a wall on the way back.

Please note, the direction of these one-way doors works opposite from how normal one way walls do.

Snap to Closest Wall Point

Adds a toggle that will make wall points snap to the nearest wall point.

See Walls on Other Layers

Adds the Toggle Walls Display button to the wall layer; turning this on enables you to see walls while on other layers.

Wall Hotkeys Support

Adds the option to set up hotkeys to quickly swap your currently draw-able wall type.

Scene Configuration Window Additions

A few additional functions included here, as they are likely used less often and don't need to be in the main wall tools.

Wall Off Scene

Creates walls of your last selected type around the edges of the scene.

Close All Doors

Closes all the doors on the scene.

This also removes the core Close All Doors from the Walls layer tools.

Bug Reporting

Please feel free to contact me on Discord if you have any questions or concerns. ironmonk88#4075

If submitting a ticket, please do so on this module's GitHub here.


This Foundry VTT module, written by Ironmonk, is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6.