Monk's Sound Enhancements - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Monk's Sound Enhancements

Monk's Sound Enhancements adds various sound related features and enhancements to Foundry.


Install the module via Foundry's Add-on Modules screen.


Actor & Item Sounds

Adds a new button in actor sheets & item sheets next to the name. Clicking this will bring up a new window to configure a specific sound for that entity. Once the sound is configured there, it can be played from that menu or from the right-click menu on that actor's token HUD. This also works with Foundry's Wildcard system.

This also adds the Play Actor Sound action to Monk's Active Tile Triggers.

Embedded Journal Sounds

Allows you embed buttons inside journals to play a sound file using the following formatting:

@Sound[filepath allowpause]{displayed text}.

  • allowpause is optional and determines if clicking the link while the sound is playing causes the file to pause or to stop.
  • {displayed text} can be used to display text in the journal rather than the actual file path.

Playlists Tab Features

Hide Track Name

By right-clicking a track to open it's configuration, you can check Hide Name; doing so will hide the name from players when its playing if you'd like to avoid spoilers.

Hiding the playlist will hide all the sounds within that playlist.

Hotbar Macros

Dragging a track to the macro hotbar will create a macro to play that track, instead of creating a macro to open that track's configuration window.

Sound Effects Slider

Adds a new sound effects slider to control the volume of various sounds.

Sounds Tab

Adds the Sounds tab to the playlist configuration window. This is helpful when viewing a playlist that is in a compendium as you can now see what sounds are associated with the playlist before importing it.

  • The play button allows you to preview the sound without having to broadcast it to your players through the Playlist interface.
  • You can drag & drop individual sound tracks between playlists, or from a playlist within a compendium to an active playlist.
    • You can hold shift when dragging tracks between playlists to copy them instead of just moving them.
  • The checkboxes can be used to import the playlist from a compendium with only the checked tracks instead of having to import the entire playlist.
  • The checkboxes can also be used with the right-click context menu to bulk delete tracks.
  • If you are editing a sound file, dragging another sound file onto the sound config dialog will update all the information with the dropped sound information.

Bug Reporting

Please feel free to contact me on Discord if you have any questions or concerns. ironmonk88#4075

If submitting a ticket, please do so on this module's GitHub here.


This Foundry VTT module, written by Ironmonk, is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6.