MATT Play Sound File - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Play Sound File

Plays the selected sound file when triggered.

Sound File

Use the file browser to select a sound file from within your Foundry directory.

  • This action accepts Foundry's Wildcard system. Set up your sound files in a folder with them named with water1.mp3, water2.mp3. etc and then just run the play sound with water*.mp3.
  • You are able to use links from Syrinscape API in the path field.


Who hears the sound.

  • Everyone
  • Players Only
  • GM Only
  • Triggering Player
  • Triggering Token Owner
  • Current Tokens Owner
  • Current Users

Select Entity

Use this to directly target a user in the player list to have them hear the sound.


Use the slider to adjust the volume when played.

  • Monk's Sound Enhancements adds a global volume slider for sound effects, and Active Tiles will use that value for any sounds being played. Otherwise it will default back to the ambient slider.


Loops the playing sound.

If a tile is playing a looping sound, a new section is added to the tile configuration window on the Actions tab; you can stop any playing sounds from that tile here.

You can also stop them from the Playlists tab if you have Monk's Sound Enhancements installed.

Barring those, if you delete a tile with a looped sound while it is playing, you'll need to stop it with via a Stop Sounds action on another tile; or just reload Foundry.


Fade duration. This action always includes a 0.25 second fade.

Restrict to Scene

Check this to restrict the sound to only play for users currently viewing the scene it was triggered on.

Prevent Sound From Starting if Already Playing

Check this to keep sounds from building up and overlapping if that sound file is already being played.

Delay Actions Until Finished

Prevents following actions from playing until the sound has finished. This only pauses for the first instance if Loop is enabled.

Show on Playlist

Adds the sound playing to Foundry's playlist tab.


  • If a single instance of this action is run multiple times due to a loop or quickly being triggered again, it will cancel the previously playing sound from this action.

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.12