Monk's Combat Details - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
Monk's Combat Details
An add-on module for Foundry VTT that provides various combat related options.
Install the module via Foundry's Add-on Modules screen.
Usage & Current Features
All features can toggled in the module settings.
Automatic Pop Out
Adds an option to automatically pop out the combat tracker when combat is created or combat starts.
Automatically Mark Defeated
This feature automatically marks tokens defeated when their HP either reaches 0 or goes negative while the combat tracker is active.
The types of tokens this applies to can be modified in the module settings, or disabled entirely.
Automatically Switch to Combat Tab
When combat is initiated, automatically switches all players to the combat tab.
Auto-Scroll Combat Tracker
If your combat tracker has too many tokens added to the point it has a scroll bar, this setting automatically scrolls it so the current token is always visible.
Combat Status Bars
Adds a setting to the token configuration tab to only have resource bars show up on tokens while combat is initiated.
Combat Turn Features
These features all specifically apply to combat turns starting or ending.
Show Next Up/Your Turn Notification
Sends a notification to a player when their turn is up next or starting. The message can be customized in the module settings.
Next Turn/Current Turn/New Round Sounds
Plays a sound for a player when their turn is up next or starting. The message can be customized in the module settings.
Automatically Clear Targets
Clears a player's targets when their turn ends.
Remember Previous Targets
Restores the previously cleared targets when a player's turn starts.
Combat Round Messages
Adds a chat message to make tracking which round chat cards were created in easier.
Pan to Combatant
If enabled, the GM's screen will pan to each combatant as their turn starts.
Show Combatant Sheet
Opens the combatant's sheet when their turn starts.
Jump to Combatant
Adds the option to right-click a combatant in the combat tracker and jump to their turn without having to scroll through each combatant in-between.
Hide Enemies in Combat Tracker
Hides enemies in the combat tracker until either combat has started, or until they've had their first turn.
Order Initiative
Orders the initiative list so that a player's unrolled character is always at the top of the tracker for that user.
Placeholder Combatants
Adds the option to right-click a combatant in the combat tracker and create a placeholder combatant based on them, with its own name & initiative. Useful for hazards or lair actions.
Placeholders can also be set to automatically delete after X rounds.
This also adds the Add Combat Placeholder action to Monk's Active Tile Triggers.
Prevent Combat Without Initiative
Prompts for a confirmation if you attempt to start combat before all tokens have rolled initiative.
Prevent Spell Changes
This prevents prepared spells from being changed while a token is in the combat tracker. Please note, this checks whether combat is started on any scene, not just the active one.
Reroll Initiative
Rerolls initiative every round.
This setting is found within the Core Combat Tracker configuration.
Show Encounter Challenge Rating
Displays an approximate challenge rating at the top of the combat tracker.
D&D 5th Edition & Pathfinder 2nd Edition only.
Show Token Start
When enabled, this will leave a "ghost" behind where the token started their turn. The ghost will disappear when their turn ends.
Bug Reporting
Please feel free to contact me on Discord if you have any questions or concerns. ironmonk88#4075
If submitting a ticket, please do so on this module's GitHub here.
This Foundry VTT module, written by Ironmonk, is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.
This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6.