MATT Add Combat Placeholder - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Add Combat Placeholder

Adds a placeholder combat using Monk's Combat Details.

Select Entity

Use this to directly select a token to be added as a placeholder.

Triggering Token

Use this to add a placeholder of the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to add a placeholder for each token within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to add a placeholder for each player's assigned actor.

Current Action Collection

Current Token Collection

Use this to add a placeholder for the current token collection.

Display Name

Name of the placeholder combatant to be displayed. Leave blank to use the entity's original name.


Filepath to be used for the placeholder combatant. Leave blank to use the entity's original image.


If checked, the placeholder combatant will be created hidden from the players.


Sets the initiative value of the placeholder combatant.

Remove After

Automatically sets the placeholder combatant to be deleted after this many rounds. Leave blank to not delete it.


Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • MATT 11.20
  • Monk's Combat Details 11.10