MATT Triggering a Tile via Journal - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Triggering a Tile Via Journal

After saving, it will display like this.

Clicking the link will trigger the tile.

Currently Viewed Scene

To trigger a tile on your currently viewed scene, use @Tile[Tile.tileIDhere]{Tile Trigger} and replace tileIDhere with the ID of the tile to be triggered.

To get the tile ID, click the little book icon in the upper left of the tile configuration window).

Specific Landing

To trigger a tile at a specific Landing, use @Tile[Tile.tileIDhere landing:landingnamehere]{Tile Trigger} and replace landingnamehere with the exact name of the landing the action thread should start at.

Specific Scene

If you're trying to trigger a tile on a scene other than the currently viewed one, use @Tile[Scene.sceneIDhere.Tile.tileIDhere]{Tile Trigger} instead; you need to replace sceneIDhere with the ID of the scene that has the tile you want triggered.

Check if Active

Add active:true inside the brackets to have it only trigger the tile if the tile is active.

Example: @Tile[Scene.F3Ga2w0WNGBxfhij.Tile.Rj6HLBoqiXYSFYHi active:true]{Display Text}

To get the scene ID, click the little book icon in the upper left of the scene configuration window).

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.17