MATT Filter by Convenient Effect - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Filter by Convenient Effect

Filters tokens by Convenient Effects.

Use this to directly filter a token.

Triggering Token

Use this to filter the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to filter all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to filter all player tokens on the scene.

Current Token

Use this to filter the current token collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to filter all tokens with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.


The dropdown will be populated with all Convenient Effects currently in you world's system.

Check If they

  • Has effect
  • Doesn't have effect

Continue if

  • Always
  • Any Matches
  • All Matches


Page Last Updated

MATT 11.12

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️