MATT Check Value - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Check Value

Checks to see if a value was met while triggering, such as checking whether a key was pressed while the tile was triggered by a click trigger.

Value Name

There are various types of values being passed. First code block is the value name, subsequent code blocks are accepted values.


The name of the key you want to require being held down while clicked; it accepts the following keys:

  • event.shiftKey true
  • event.ctrlKey true
  • event.altKey true


The direction the triggering token was moving.

  • direction.x = "left" or = "right"
  • direction.y = "up" or = "down"


  • darkness < > = operators and a range of 0 to 1 in 0.01 increments.
  • time < > = operators, and a value of minutes after midnight.


This is going to depend on the value you're using; see above.

Go To Landing on Fail

Optional: Enter the exact name of a Landing that will be jumped to if the desired count isn't met. If left blank, the action thread will instead stop if the count isn't met.


  • $\color{red}{\textsf{Warning}}$: This action can result in Infinite Loops and crash your Foundry. Use responsibly.

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.26