MATT Change Movement Mode - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Change Movement Mode

Locks or unlocks token movement.

Change Global Movement

If this is unchecked, it will display the Select Entity section.

Select Entity

Use this to directly change the movement mode of a token.

Triggering Token

Use this to change the movement mode of the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to change the movement mode of all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to change the movement mode of all player tokens on the scene.

Current Tokens

Use this to change the movement mode of the current token collection.

Allow Movement

Select your movement mode here.

  • No Movement. Tokens are locked for players.
  • Free Movement. Default state.
  • Combat Turn. Players can only move owned tokens when it is that token's turn in the combat tracker, or certain other prerequisites are met depending on Monk's Tokenbar settings.


Page Last Updated

  • MATT 11.12
  • Tokenbar 10.11