MATT Active Effect - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Active Effect

This action is used to add or remove conditions on tokens.

Use this to directly target an entity; the following entity types are able to be targeted.

Triggering Token

Use this to add or remove conditions on the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to add or remove conditions on all tokens within the tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to add or remove conditions on all player tokens on the scene.

Current Tokens

Use this to add or remove conditions on the current token collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to add or remove conditions on all tokens with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.


Toggling an effect using Tagger on a linked actor with multiple tokens on the scene will result in the effect toggling on each token a number of times equal to the number of tokens on the scene, and can greatly affect system performance.

Below is an example of 1080 linked tokens, resulting in 1,166,400 condition toggles. It isn't slowed down for the GIF, that was just my frame rate. -Crow


The dropdown will be populated with all conditions available in your current world.

Adding conditions to your world is going to be system specific and is not a MATT documentation topic. Check with your particular system's Discord channel or documentation. -Crow

Add Effect

  • Add
  • Remove
  • Toggle
  • Clear

Alter Effect

This field replaces the Add Effect dropdown if the selected condition is set up to use incrementing levels.

Use + or - to increase or decrease the level of the effect. Space is Important.


Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.331
  • MATT 12.02
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