Page Index - imkarin/bloktech GitHub Wiki
31 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Backend progress
- Benchmark: competitive analysis
- Breakdown
- Code plan (progressive enhancement)
- Eloquent JS (ch. 13 14)
- Eloquent JS (ch. 15 18)
- Estimated workload (FE)
- Frontend progress
- GitHub flow
- Job stories
- Looping & Higher Order functions
- Moodboard concept
- Project Tech progress
- Requirements list
- Research: code standards, style and editors
- Research: Context, hoisting, scopes and closures
- Research: linters & extensions
- Research: npm packages
- Research: progressive enhancement
- Research: Prototypes
- Research: Scope
- Research: templating engine
- Static prototype & feedback
- Style guide
- Wireflow