Section 2 Camera based Semantic Grid Mapping - ika-rwth-aachen/acdc GitHub Wiki


Perform Camera-based Semantic Grid Mapping using geometry-based inverse perspective mapping

In this workshop, we will perform semantic grid mapping based on images taken by vehicle-mounted cameras. The approach will make use of inverse perspective mapping (IPM).

We will use a recording from a simulation containing images from eight cameras.

The learning goals of this workshop are ...

  • Inspecting a rosbag which contains camera data
  • Learn about the ROS2 message format for camera images and camera infos
  • Learn about synchronized subscribers
  • Learn how to use the tf2 library
  • Learn how to visualize the output of semantic grid mapping


Introduction to this workshop

We prepared a rosbag with camera data for you to use.

Download the file semantic_8_cams.db3 from here (684.1 MB).

Save this file to your local directory ${REPOSITORY}/bag. This directory will be mounted into the docker container to the path /home/rosuser/ws/bag.

After the download, navigate to the local directory ${REPOSITORY}/docker on your host and execute ./ to start the ACDC docker container.

Inside the container, you can navigate to /home/rosuser/ws/bag and execute ros2 bag info semantic_8_cams.db3 to inspect the rosbag:

Files:             semantic_8_cams.db3
Bag size:          684.1 MiB
Storage id:        sqlite3
Duration:          7.450s
Start:             Jan  1 1970 01:00:26.592 (26.592)
End:               Jan  1 1970 01:00:34.42 (34.42)
Messages:          4622

Topic information: Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_view/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_view/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_1/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_2/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_2/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_1/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_2/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_2/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_1/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_2/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_2/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_1/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_2/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_2/image | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 149 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /clock | Type: rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock | Count: 150 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /rosout | Type: rosgraph_msgs/msg/Log | Count: 2 | Serialization Format: cdr

Topic: /tf | Type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage | Count: 1788 | Serialization Format: cdr

You can see that the rosbag has a duration of 7.5 seconds and contains segmented images of type sensor_msgs/msg/Image and corresponding sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo messages. We will use these camera images in this assignment in order to apply semantic grid mapping.

ROS2's sensor_msgs/msg/Image Message

The message definition sensor_msgs/msg/Image is ROS2's standard image message format. It is used for all kind of camera image message types and can be used seamlessly with many different ROS2 visualization and image processing tools. Please read the documentation about the detailed message format and it's content. Message

ROS2's sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo Message

The message definition sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo is ROS2's standard camera info message format. It is send together with sensor_msgs/msg/Image to provide additional information about the current camera image such as camera calibration parameters. Feel free to read the documentation about the detailed message format.

Task 1: Explore the semantic grid mapping package and build and source the package

The code for the camera-based semantic grid mapping node can be found in the directory colcon_workspace_src/section_2/camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2.

The main source code is located in the directory camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2. The launch file are located in directory launchand parameters are located in config. Feel free to read all the code, parameters and launch files.

Now, in the container, navigate to colcon_workspace and build the package with with colcon build

colcon build --packages-select camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2 --symlink-install

and source the workspace

source install/setup.bash

Perfect! Now you will be able to perform semantic grid mapping using camera images with this package. Let's go to the next task.

Task 2: Replay rosbag and run the camera-based grid mapping node

We have already prepared a launch file for you to execute the camera-based semantic grid mapping package. Please read through the following lines of code carefully.

Contents of the file

import os
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import Node
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument, ExecuteProcess
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory

def generate_launch_description():

    # Get the package and params directory
    semantic_grid_mapping_dir = get_package_share_directory('camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2')
    config = os.path.join(semantic_grid_mapping_dir, 'config', 'params.yaml')

    # Declare launch arguments
    use_sim_time = DeclareLaunchArgument(
        description='Use simulation clock time')

    # ROSBAG PLAY node
    rosbag_play_node = ExecuteProcess(
        cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'play', '--rate', '0.1', '-l',

    semantic_grid_mapping_node = Node(

    front_left_segmented_image_node = Node(
        remappings=[('image', 'carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_1/image')],

    front_right_segmented_image_node = Node(
        remappings=[('image', 'carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_1/image')],

    segmentation_viewer_node = Node(
        remappings=[('image', 'BEV_image')],
                {'autosize': True},

    # Create the launch description and populate
    ld = LaunchDescription()

    # Add the actions to the launch description

    return ld

Hence, we perform the following tasks:

  • Replay the rosbag with a speed of 0.1. Note, that we set the speed to a very low value here, because your computer might be very slow. You can increase this value if your computer is fast enough to compute the semantic grid map at a higher speed. If necessary, you may also reduce the value.

  • Start the camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping Node and load the parameters(camera image and info topic names, output image size etc.) that are necessary for the node.

  • Start a visualization node to show the result

The node camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping performs the following tasks on the data provided in the bag file:

  • subscribe to 8 CameraInfo and 8 Image topics
  • synchronize the subscribers
  • apply inverse perspective mapping on single images.
  • stitches the result into a BEV image

We can now start the launch file with:

ros2 launch camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2 

The image_view node should show you the semantically segmented images of the right and left forward facing cameras. They are sufficient for testing the node, for now.


However, the Bird's Eye View (BEV) image is not shown. This is because the node doesn't yet subscribe to the correct images and cameras info topics yet.

In the following tasks, you will need to modify code in "". After finishing all tasks, you will have completed the semantic grid mapping node.

Task 3: Synchronize the subscribers

As we want to combine images from multiple cameras to produce a BEV image, these images need to be from the same time step.

For the purpose of synchronizing the image topics, we will use message_filters.

message_filters is a utility library that provides filtering algorithms for commonly used messages.

The following lines of code in "" are responsible for subscribing to the different CameraInfo and Image topics.

# setup subscribers
subs = []  # array with all subscribers that should be synchronized
for image_topic, info_topic in zip(self.image_topics_in, self.info_topics_in):
    ### START Task 3 CODE HERE ###
    # create subscriber for topic
    image_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self, Image,PLACE_HOLDER_1, qos_profile=qos_profile)
    # create a subscriber for camera info topic
    info_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self, CameraInfo, PLACE_HOLDER_2, qos_profile=qos_profile)
    ### END Task 3 CODE HERE ###
    # add subscribers to array

# synchronized subscriber
self.sync_sub = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(subs, queue_size=5., slop=0.01)

In the above code snippet, we iterate over all Image topics and their corresponding CameraInfo. These are defined in config/params.yaml und loaded in the node's function load_parameters().

Note that we use message_filters.Subscriber() instead of normal ROS subscribers.

message_filters provides subscriber policies that allow subscribing to messages from multiple topics and outputting them in a single callback. Here, we will use message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(). The policy synchronizes the topics based on their time stamp (given in the header of the messages). It is capable of synchronizing topics even if messages' time stamps differ from each other. More information can be found in the documentation, ROS2 documentation. There also exist an ExactTime Policy. , which is not covered here.

message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer() takes three parameters:

  • an array of subscribers (we save our subscribers in the array subs)
  • queue_size and slop (we use queue_size=5 and slop=0.01)

The slop parameter defines the maximum delay (in seconds) with which messages can be synchronized.

Your task is to replace PLACE_HOLDER_1 and PLACE_HOLDER_2 with the correct variables to subscribe to the Imageand CameraInfo topics.

# create subscriber for topic
    image_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self, Image,PLACE_HOLDER_1, qos_profile=qos_profile)
    # create a subscriber for camera info topic
    info_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self, CameraInfo, PLACE_HOLDER_2, qos_profile=qos_profile)

After this adjustment, you can rerun the node:

ros2 launch camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2 

A visualization window for the BEV image should appear. However, the BEV image looks like this:


Some parts of the code are still missing!

Task 4: Extract the camera intrinsic matrix from the CameraInfo message

The goal of this task is to get the intrinsic matrices K of the cameras.

For this purpose, you have to modify the following lines in the function compute_bev by replacing PLACE_HOLDER_INTRINSIC with your code.

# extract intrinsic matrix k (3x3) from CameraInfo topic
PLACE_HOLDER_INTRINSIC = [100., 0., 0., 0., 100., 0., 0., 0., 100.] # comment this line in your solution
K = np.reshape(PLACE_HOLDER_INTRINSIC, (3,3)) # replace the placeholder and use the actual camera intrinsics


  • The CameraInfo message is provided in the variable cam_info_msg.
  • In the CameraInfo message, the intrinsic matrix is named k.

Task 5: Calculate the camera extrinsic matrix

The goal of this task is to compute extrinsic matrices of the cameras based on information in the CameraInfo messages.

The extrinsic matrix transforms the camera's coordinate frame to the vehicle's coordinates frame. For this, we will use ros tf2. This library allows to maintain multiple coordinate frames and their relationship over time.

Part 1: Look up the transformation between the vehicle's base link and the camera frames

To get the transformation between coordinate frames, you will use the function tfBuffer.lookup_transform() which takes a target frame and a source frame as parameters and returns the transformation between them. Replace the None placeholders in the function compute_bev() in "", then uncomment the line to define transform.

# use tfBuffer to look up the transformation from the vehicle's base link frame to the camera frame.
# transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform(None, None, None) # uncomment and adjust


  • The vehicle's base link frame name is saved in self.vehicle_base_link.
  • The camera frame name can be found in the CameraInfo topic.
  • Look up the transformation at the common time common_time.
  • The function lookup_transform() can take four arguments: target_frame, source_frame, time at which the value of the transform is desired, and an optional timeout.

Part 2: Convert a Transform into a homogeneous matrix

The function tfBuffer.lookup_transform() returns a transform of the type geometry_msgs/TransformStamped. The goal of this task is to convert this transform into a (4x4) homogeneous transformation matrix, the extrinsic matrix E in our case.

geometry_msgs/TransformStamped contains a geometry_msgs/Transform, which contains a quaternion and a translation vector. Quaternions provide another way to represent rotations. In this task, we will extract the quaternion from the variable transform. Then, we will convert it to (roll, pitch, yaw) angles. At the end, we will convert (roll, pitch, yaw) into a rotation matrix.

Uncomment and adjust the following lines to extract a quaternion out of the transform and convert it into (roll, pitch, yaw).

The conversion uses tf_transformations. You can find the correct function for converting quaternions to (roll, pitch, yaw)- also called euler angles - here.

# extract quaternion from transform and transform it into a list
# quaternion = transform.transform.REPLACE_ME # adjust and uncomment
# quaternion = [REPLACE_ME.x, REPLACE_ME.y , REPLACE_ME.z, REPLACE_ME.w] # adjust and uncomment

# convert quaternion to (roll,pitch,yaw)
# roll, pitch, yaw = REPLACE_ME # uncomment and adjust

Now, you can can convert (roll, pitch, yaw) into a rotation matrix.

Replace the None placeholders with your code.

# compute rotation matrix
Rz = None # Replace with actual matrix
Ry = None # Replace with actual matrix
Rx = None # Replace with actual matrix
R = None # Replace with actual matrix (combination of Rx, Ry, Rz)

Refer to the documentation of geometry_msgs/TransformStamped and extract the translation vector by adjusting the REPLACE_ME placeholder. Then, uncomment the next to line to save the x, y and z components in a list. Last, convert the list to a NumPy array.

# extract translation from transform 
# t = transform.transform.REPLACE_ME # uncomment and adjust
# t = [t.x, t.y, t.z]  # uncomment

# convert t to a numpy array
# t = REPLACE_ME # uncomment and adjust

Combine the determined (3x3) rotation matrix R and the (3x1) translation vector t into a (4x4) homogeneous transformation representing the extrinsic matrix E.

# first combine R and t
# E = np.REPLACE_ME([REPLACE_ME, REPLACE_ME]) # uncomment and adjust
# then add 1 row ([0., 0., 0., 1.]) to complete the transform
# E = np.row_stack([E, REPLACE_ME]) # uncomment and adjust

Then, use E and replace the placeholder PLACE_HOLDER_EXTRINSIC by commenting the following two lines.

PLACE_HOLDER_EXTRINSIC = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 1.],[0., 1., 0., 1.],[0., 0., 1., 1.],[0., 0., 0., 1.]]) # comment when done with task 5
E = PLACE_HOLDER_EXTRINSIC # comment when done with task 5

Rerun the node :

ros2 launch camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping_r2 


After completing the compute_bev function and restarting the node, you should see the following output.



Optional additional task: Create an RVIZ configuration and a launch file that starts the semantic grid mapping node and RVIZ with your RVIZ configuration. Display all 8 images from the camera persepctive and the BEV image, if the performance of your computer permits!


  • You learned how to synchronize subscribers.
  • You learned how CameraInfo messages can be used to extract the camera parameters.
  • You learned how to perform coordinate transformations using ROS libraries like tf2 and tf_conversions.
  • You have completed a simple Python ROS package for camera-based semantic grid mapping.
  • Feel free to explore the rest of the code for a deeper understanding of the semantic grid mapping package.

ROS1 Instructions



Perform Camera-based Semantic Grid Mapping using geometry-based inverse perspective mapping

In this workshop, we will perform semantic grid mapping based on images taken by vehicle-mounted cameras. The approach will make use of inverse perspective mapping (IPM).

We will use a recording from a simulation containing images from eight cameras.

The learning goals of this workshop are ...

  • Inspecting a rosbag which contains camera data
  • Learn about the ROS message format for camera images and camera infos
  • Learn about synchronized subscribers
  • Learn how to use the tf2 library
  • Learn how to visualize the output of semantic grid mapping

Introduction to this workshop

We prepared a rosbag with camera data for you to use.

Download the file semantic_8_cams.bag from here (683.6 MB).

Save this file to your local directory ${REPOSITORY}/bag. This directory will be mounted into the docker container to the path /home/rosuser/ws/bag.

After the download, navigate to the local directory ${REPOSITORY}/docker on your host and execute ./ to start the ACDC docker container.

Inside the container, you can navigate to /home/rosuser/ws/bag and execute rosbag info semantic_8_cams.bag to inspect the rosbag:

path:        semantic_8_cams.bag
version:     2.0
duration:    7.5s
start:       Jan 01 1970 01:00:26.59 (26.59)
end:         Jan 01 1970 01:00:34.04 (34.04)
size:        683.6 MB
messages:    4622
compression: none [718/718 chunks]
types:       rosgraph_msgs/Clock    [a9c97c1d230cfc112e270351a944ee47]
             rosgraph_msgs/Log      [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
             sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214]
             sensor_msgs/Image      [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743]
             tf2_msgs/TFMessage     [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec]
topics:      /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_view/camera_info                               149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_view/image                                     149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_1/camera_info      149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_1/image            149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_2/camera_info      149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_left_2/image            149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_1/camera_info     149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_1/image           149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_2/camera_info     149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_back_right_2/image           149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_1/camera_info     149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_1/image           149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_2/camera_info     149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_left_2/image           149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_1/camera_info    149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_1/image          149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_2/camera_info    149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
             /carla/ego_vehicle/semantic_segmentation_front_right_2/image          149 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image     
             /clock                                                                150 msgs    : rosgraph_msgs/Clock   
             /rosout                                                                 2 msgs    : rosgraph_msgs/Log     
             /tf                                                                  1788 msgs    : tf2_msgs/TFMessage

You can see that the rosbag has a duration of 7.5 seconds and contains segmented images of type sensor_msgs/Image and corresponding sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages. We will use these camera images in this assignment in order to apply semantic grid mapping.

ROS sensor_msgs/Image Message

The message definition sensor_msgs/Image is ROS' image message format. This message type provides a way to send images sensor_msgs/Image that can be used seamlessly with many different ROS visualization and image processing tools. Please read the documentation about the detailed message format and its content.

ROS sensor_msgs/CameraInfo

The message definition sensor_msgs/CameraInfo is ROS' standard camera info message format. It is sent together with sensor_msgs/Image or sensor_msgs/CompressedImage to provide additional information about the current camera image such as camera calibration parameters. Please read the documentation about the detailed message format.

Task 1: Explore the semantic grid mapping package and build and source the package

The code for the camera-based semantic grid mapping node can be found in the directory workshops/section_2/camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping.

The main source code is located in the directory src. The launch file and parameters are located in directory launch. Feel free to read all the code, parameters and launch files.

Now, in the container, navigate to catkin_workspace and build the package with with catkin build

catkin build camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping

and source the workspace

source devel/setup.bash

Perfect! Now you will be able to perform semantic grid mapping using camera images with this package. Let's go to the next task.

Task 2: Replay rosbag and run the camera-based grid mapping node

We have already prepared a launch file for you to execute the camera-based semantic grid mapping package. Please read through the following lines of code carefully.

Contents of the file start_all.launch:


    <param name ="/use_sim_time" value="true"/>
    <!-- ROSBAG PLAY -->
    <node pkg="rosbag" 
          args="--rate 0.1 -l --clock $/home/rosuser/ws/bag/semantic_8_cams.bag">

    <!--- Semantic Grid Mapping Node -->
      file="$(find camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping)/launch/params.yaml"


    <node pkg="image_view"
    <node pkg="image_view"
    <node pkg="image_view"


Hence, we perform the following tasks:

  • Replay the rosbag with a speed of 0.1. Note, that we set the speed to a very low value here, because your computer might be very slow. You can increase this value if your computer is fast enough to compute the semantic grid map at a higher speed. If necessary, you may also reduce the value.

  • Load the parameters that are necessary for the camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping node (camera image and info topic names, output image size etc.)

  • Start the camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping Node

  • Start a visualization node to show the result

The node camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping performs the following tasks on the data provided in the bag file:

  • subscribe to 8 CameraInfo and 8 Image topics
  • synchronize the subscribers
  • apply inverse perspective mapping on single images.
  • stitches the result into a BEV image

We can now start the launch file with:

roslaunch camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping start_all.launch

The image_view node should show you the semantically segmented images of the right and left forward facing cameras. They are sufficient for testing the node, for now.


However, the Bird's Eye View (BEV) image is not shown. This is because the node doesn't yet subscribe to the correct images and cameras info topics yet.

In the following tasks, you will need to modify code in "". After finishing all tasks, you will have completed the semantic grid mapping node.

Task 3: Synchronize the subscribers

As we want to combine images from multiple cameras to produce a BEV image, these images need to be from the same time step.

For the purpose of synchronizing the image topics, we will use message_filters.

message_filters is a utility library that provides filtering algorithms for commonly used messages.

The following lines of code in "" are responsible for subscribing to the different CameraInfo and Image topics.

# setup subscribers
subs = []  # array with all subscribers that should be synchronized
for image_topic, info_topic in zip(self.image_topics_in, self.info_topics_in):
    ### START Task 3 CODE HERE ###
    # create subscriber for topic
    image_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(PLACE_HOLDER_1, Image, queue_size=1)
    # create a subscriber for camera info topic
    info_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(PLACE_HOLDER_2, CameraInfo, queue_size=1)
    ### END Task 3 CODE HERE ###
    # add subscribers to array

# synchronized subscriber
self.sync_sub = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(subs, queue_size=5., slop=0.01)

In the above code snippet, we iterate over all Image topics and their corresponding CameraInfo. These are defined in launch/params.yaml und loaded in the node's function load_parameters().

Note that we use message_filters.Subscriber() instead of normal ROS subscribers.

message_filters provides subscriber policies that allow subscribing to messages from multiple topics and outputting them in a single callback. Here, we will use message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(). The policy synchronizes the topics based on their time stamp (given in the header of the messages). It is capable of synchronizing topics even if messages' time stamps differ from each other. More information can be found in the documentation. There also exist an ExactTime Policy. , which is not covered here.

message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer() takes three parameters:

  • an array of subscribers (we save our subscribers in the array subs)
  • queue_size and slop (we use queue_size=5 and slop=0.01)

The slop parameter defines the maximum delay (in seconds) with which messages can be synchronized.

Your task is to replace PLACE_HOLDER_1 and PLACE_HOLDER_2 with the correct variables to subscribe to the Imageand CameraInfo topics.

# create subscriber for topic
image_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(PLACE_HOLDER_1, Image, queue_size=1)
# create a subscriber for camera info topic
info_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(PLACE_HOLDER_2, CameraInfo, queue_size=1)

After this adjustment, you can rerun the node:

roslaunch camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping start_all.launch

A visualization window for the BEV image should appear. However, the BEV image looks like this:


Some parts of the code are still missing!

Task 4: Extract the camera intrinsic matrix from the CameraInfo message

The goal of this task is to get the intrinsic matrices K of the cameras.

For this purpose, you have to modify the following lines in the function compute_bev by replacing PLACE_HOLDER_INTRINSIC with your code.

# extract intrinsic matrix K (3x3) from CameraInfo topic
PLACE_HOLDER_INTRINSIC = [100., 0., 0., 0., 100., 0., 0., 0., 100.] # comment this line in your solution
K = np.reshape(PLACE_HOLDER_INTRINSIC, (3,3)) # replace the placeholder and use the actual camera intrinsics


  • The CameraInfo message is provided in the variable cam_info_msg.
  • In the CameraInfo message, the intrinsic matrix is named K.

Task 5: Calculate the camera extrinsic matrix

The goal of this task is to compute extrinsic matrices of the cameras based on information in the CameraInfo messages.

The extrinsic matrix transforms the camera's coordinate frame to the vehicle's coordinates frame. For this, we will use ros tf2. This library allows to maintain multiple coordinate frames and their relationship over time.

Part 1: Look up the transformation between the vehicle's base link and the camera frames

To get the transformation between coordinate frames, you will use the function tfBuffer.lookup_transform() which takes a target frame and a source frame as parameters and returns the transformation between them. Replace the None placeholders in the function compute_bev() in "", then uncomment the line to define transform.

# use tfBuffer to look up the transformation from the vehicle's base link frame to the camera frame.
# transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform(None, None, None) # uncomment and adjust


  • The vehicle's base link frame name is saved in self.vehicle_base_link.
  • The camera frame name can be found in the CameraInfo topic.
  • Look up the transformation at the common time common_time.
  • The function lookup_transform() can take four arguments: target_frame, source_frame, time at which the value of the transform is desired, and an optional timeout.

Part 2: Convert a Transform into a homogeneous matrix

The function tfBuffer.lookup_transform() returns a transform of the type geometry_msgs/TransformStamped. The goal of this task is to convert this transform into a (4x4) homogeneous transformation matrix, the extrinsic matrix E in our case.

geometry_msgs/TransformStamped contains a geometry_msgs/Transform, which contains a quaternion and a translation vector. Quaternions provide another way to represent rotations. In this task, we will extract the quaternion from the variable transform. Then, we will convert it to (roll, pitch, yaw) angles. At the end, we will convert (roll, pitch, yaw) into a rotation matrix.

Uncomment and adjust the following lines to extract a quaternion out of the transform and convert it into (roll, pitch, yaw).

The conversion uses tf_conversions. You can find the correct function for converting quaternions to (roll, pitch, yaw)- also called euler angles - here.

# extract quaternion from transform and transform it into a list
# quaternion = transform.transform.REPLACE_ME # adjust and uncomment
# quaternion = [REPLACE_ME.x, REPLACE_ME.y , REPLACE_ME.z, REPLACE_ME.w] # adjust and uncomment

# convert quaternion to (roll,pitch,yaw)
# roll, pitch, yaw = REPLACE_ME # uncomment and adjust

Now, you can can convert (roll, pitch, yaw) into a rotation matrix.

Replace the None placeholders with your code.

# compute rotation matrix
Rz = None # Replace with actual matrix
Ry = None # Replace with actual matrix
Rx = None # Replace with actual matrix
R = None # Replace with actual matrix (combination of Rx, Ry, Rz)

Refer to the documentation of geometry_msgs/TransformStamped and extract the translation vector by adjusting the REPLACE_ME placeholder. Then, uncomment the next to line to save the x, y and z components in a list. Last, convert the list to a NumPy array.

# extract translation from transform 
# t = transform.transform.REPLACE_ME # uncomment and adjust
# t = [t.x, t.y, t.z]  # uncomment

# convert t to a numpy array
# t = REPLACE_ME # uncomment and adjust

Combine the determined (3x3) rotation matrix R and the (3x1) translation vector t into a (4x4) homogeneous transformation representing the extrinsic matrix E.

# first combine R and t
# E = np.REPLACE_ME([REPLACE_ME, REPLACE_ME]) # uncomment and adjust
# then add 1 row ([0., 0., 0., 1.]) to complete the transform
# E = np.row_stack([E, REPLACE_ME]) # uncomment and adjust

Then, use E and replace the placeholder PLACE_HOLDER_EXTRINSIC by commenting the following two lines.

PLACE_HOLDER_EXTRINSIC = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 1.],[0., 1., 0., 1.],[0., 0., 1., 1.],[0., 0., 0., 1.]]) # comment when done with task 5
E = PLACE_HOLDER_EXTRINSIC # comment when done with task 5

Rerun the node :

roslaunch camera_based_semantic_grid_mapping start_all.launch


After completing the compute_bev function and restarting the node, you should see the following output.



Optional additional task: Create an RVIZ configuration and a launch file that starts the semantic grid mapping node and RVIZ with your RVIZ configuration. Display all 8 images from the camera persepctive and the BEV image, if the porformance of your computer permits!


  • You learned how to synchronize subscribers.
  • You learned how CameraInfo messages can be used to extract the camera parameters.
  • You learned how to perform coordinate transformations using ROS libraries like tf2 and tf_conversions.
  • You have completed a simple Python ROS package for camera-based semantic grid mapping.
  • Feel free to explore the rest of the code for a deeper understanding of the semantic grid mapping package.
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