maximum mana - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
The maximum mana is calculated as follows:
Both character class and race contribute to the maximum mana as follows:
= Starting_mana_from_Race
+ Starting_mana_from_Class
+ Mana_per_Level_from_Race x (Level - 1)
+ Mana_per_Level_from_Class x (Level - 1)
Additionally, intelligence and wisdom contribute to the maximum mana as follows:
Mana_From_Int_And_Wis = (Int * 2/3 + Wis * 1/3) * (Level + 3) / 6
The higher of intelligence and wisdom is used in the above formula.
The mana from the character class and and race are summed together with the mana from intelligence and wisdom. This amount is multiplied by the item percentage bonus and finally the fixed mana bonus from items is added to the result. The formula is as follows:
= (Mana_From_Race_And_Class + Mana_From_Int_And_Wis)
x (1 + Item_Mana_Percentage_Bonus/100)
+ Item_Mana_Fixed_Bonus