CPU and GPU Usage Modes in Modern Windows Port (.NET MAUI WinUI 3) - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

There are 4 possible modes how to use CPU and GPU for rendering GnollHack on Windows (WinUI 3), when you have both an integrated GPU and a dedicated GPU in your system. The mode used depends on two settings:

  1. In Windows 11, Settings → System → Display → Graphics (GnollHack needs to be added there as a Microsoft Store app)
  2. Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack settings

1. With Both CPU and Integrated GPU

  • Graphics Setting in Windows: Let Windows decide or Power saving
  • Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings: Off

2. Mainly on Integrated GPU

  • Graphics Setting in Windows: Let Windows decide or Power saving
  • Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings: On

3. With Both Integrated GPU and Dedicated GPU

  • Graphics Setting in Windows: High performance
  • Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings: Off

4. Mainly on Dedicated GPU

  • Graphics Setting in Windows: High performance
  • Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings: On


GnollHack always renders graphics on an integrated or dedicated GPU, regardless of whether Use GPU Acceleration is enabled in the game settings. This is because both controls that are used to render graphics in the On and Off modes use GPU on Windows/WinUI 3.

Recommended Mode for Playing

We recommend using Modes 2 and 4 for playing, that is, using the following setting:

  • Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings: On

This usually yields enough GPU computing power to run GnollHack. It doesn't usually matter whether you use the dedicated GPU or not. This should be the default setting, which means that you don't need to change anything by yourself.

Technical Details

If Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings is enabled, the game renders itself using SkiaSharp's SKGLView, which uses SwapChainPanel in WinUI 3. This is very fast.

If Use GPU Acceleration in GnollHack Settings is disabled, the game renders itself using SkiaSharp's SKCanvasView, which uses Canvas in WinUI 3. This isn't very fast.