Install:Subversion - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki

Please note that Subversion was the old version control method. Since we have moved to Git, this method is now in the process of being phased out; a new automatic update method is still in the planning, but will be documented at Install:Git.

This page explains how to download and install ENIGMA directly from the Subversion repository. Because this method makes use of the command-line, doesn't install any shortcuts or dependencies, and doesn't result in any blatantly obvious runnable binaries, this method is usually discouraged in favor of a more direct platform-dependent installation package, if available. See Install.

In brief, an installation via Subversion would consist of the following steps:

  • Obtaining the necessary dependencies, such as Subversion, Java, and ENIGMA dependencies.
  • Pointing your SVN client to our #Repository URL and checking out to a directory of your choosing.
  • Running lgm16b4.jar, which starts the user interface and tries to locate and link in the ENIGMA compiler.


Repository URL

Our repository URL is the following:

Note that although this is a navigable web address, pointing your web browser to it is not useful unless you want to look at/download individual files. Normally you would point your Subversion client to this URL to download everything inside of it, called a checkout. Below we document how to do this with some specific clients.

Command Line

svn co `` enigma-dev Where the enigma-dev at the end is the desired directory, preferably empty/non-existent.


On Windows, you will need to set up a compiler description file, called gcc.ey in Compilers/Windows/. Note that ENIGMA.exe will handle this process for you, as well as installing several dependencies. It can be copied over from trunk/compilerSource/stupidity-buffer/ENIGMA.exe into trunk/ENIGMA.exe and then run. It will automatically run LateralGM once it is finished with the installations.

On other platforms, you run lgm16b4.jar (right inside trunk/) which can be run by either double clicking or (preferably, since it reports any problems or errors that occur, along with other verbose debugging information) from command line with java -jar lgm16b4.jar. Note that on Ubuntu (And possibly some other Linux distros) you have to run from the terminal in order to ensure the correct working directory. This is a problem we are trying to figure out how to fix.

Post-installation options

After installing, you may choose to create shortcuts or more obvious runnable binaries. This process is up to you. Another common thing to do is enable the automatic update mechanism. In order to do this, simply copy enigma-dev/Autoconf/svnkit.jar into enigma-dev/plugins/shared/svnkit.jar and then restart the program.

Manual Update

If you don't wish to take the automatic update route, you can manually update either by using your Subversion Client or from the command line.

Command Line

cd trunk/
svn up