Linux - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki

This article is about the Linux operating system and developing and publishing games for it.

Lunix is the preferred platform for ENIGMA, and many of the developers - especially the primary developers - use Linux primarily (if not exclusively). Many of the dependencies are already included, and if they are not, they tend to be very easy to obtain. The API Libraries are usually pretty standard, open source libraries readily compatible with our license. ENIGMA itself takes the form of SO (shared object) on Linux for calling as a library (e.g. from LateralGM), or ELF for command line usage.


This list may go out of date, but these are the dependencies for ENIGMA. It is recommended that you get one of the Packages instead, if available.

API Libraries

  • libgl (plus development headers)
  • libx11 (plus development headers)
  • mesa (plus development headers)
  • GTK+ 2 (plus development headers)
  • libopenal (plus development headers)
  • zlib/libz (plus development headers)
  • GNU G++ (preferably the latest version)
  • GNU Make (preferably the latest version)

Runtime Libraries

  • libgl (plus development headers)
  • libx11 (plus development headers)
  • mesa (plus development headers)
  • GTK+ 2 (plus development headers)
  • libopenal (plus development headers)
  • zlib/libz (plus development headers)
  • Sun/ORACLE Java or OpenJDK JRE (version 6 or higher)

Build Libraries

  • git


For Ubuntu 11.04 through 12.04, the following libraries should be sufficient:

  • g++
  • zlib1g-dev
  • libglu1-mesa-dev
  • libalure-dev (if you intend to use sound)
  • libvorbisfile3, libvorbis-dev, libdumb1-dev (sound codecs)

or sudo apt-get install g++ zlib1g-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libalure-dev libvorbisfile3 libvorbis-dev libdumb1-dev


At this point, we don't have a working package for your package manager. If anybody has experience making .deb's or such, we'd appreciate your contributions.