Enabling dropbox backups - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki

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  1. Login as the user you would like to enable backups for.
  2. Go to Memories on the top nav bar.
  3. Look under the backup options box for Dropbox Backups which shows the status in bold
  4. If the status is Enabled click on Enable Dropbox.
  5. After confirming the popup box, the page will refresh and you should see Queued as the status
  6. You should receive an email in your inbox.
To link this computer to a dropbox account, visit the following url:
  1. Copy and paste the link given into your browser
  2. Enter your dropbox password
  3. The folder Dropbox will appear in the home directory with the users files. This can be confirmed by running ls -la which will list all the folders in the current directory.