User documentation - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki

In all documentation these settings are used as an example.

  • Example user: james
  • Example hostname:

The default credentials on a fresh system are:

  • User: admin
  • Pass: admin


Install Documentation (outdated)

How to install Braincase

Setting up the email server

User Administration

Creating new users

Simple Web Hosting

Uploading web files

Accessing files over the web


Enabling Dropbox Backups

Restoring Backups

Configure a client side backup of the repository

Backup format

Reading Backups

Personal Repository

Example connection string: [email protected]/james.git

Accessing the Personal Repository on Windows

Configure a client side backup of the repository

Page Editing

Setting Page Permissions

Braincase Markup Syntax


Setting Page Permissions


Configuring for use from inside a proxy