Command line tools - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki

Lists all the local backups and view the files in them without extracting the files.

$ braincase-recall --help
Usage: braincase-recall <user> [timestamp]
Ommitting timestamp will list available memory timestamps

Finds the backups for each user and outputs a list in json format to memories.list in each users home directory.

$ braincase-memorizer

Runs backups for each user.

$ braincase-backup

Syncs users between dokuwki and linux.

$ braincase-user-sync

Switches the current wiki timestamp for the given user. This allows one to make dokuwiki use a different version of the users dokuwiki files. Switching is done live (and usually only from the web interface).

$ braincase-wiki-switcher --help
Usage: braincase-wiki-switcher <username> <timestamp>
Ommitting timestamp will output the active timestamp

Checks the Dropbox queues to see if there are any users that need to be created. Then runs [[braincase-setup-dropbox]] as each user that needs it setup.

$ braincase-dropbox-auto-setup

Sets up dropbox for the current user.

$ braincase-setup-dropbox --help
Usage: braincase-setup-dropbox [-e <email>]

Using this command may not create a stable user. It is advised to create in the web interface until this command is properly tested (I think it just needs to have an email given to it or default to user@localhost).

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