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Let's start with a small description of what the Test Result Database project is and how it can be used.

First every SW project (also HW projects) need at some point in their lifecycle to perform a number of tests to verify that their work was correctly implemented.

Tests are normally performed by a number of different people on a project with different roles. SW developers, SW testers, HW testers, integration testers, system testers etc. All of them generating vast amounts of information about the quality of the product. This information is quite often scattered amongst an organization and requires a lot of effort to manage.

A solution to this problem is to centralize the information so that it can be available to everyone with a minimal of effort.

The aim of this project is to create a simple database mechanism and a GUI front end that will allow users to view a collection of test results. The possibility of expanding this tool in the future must also be possible.

Let's first start by analysing the requirements and the problems that need to be solved. Requirements