Requirements - guerillatesters/TestResultDatabase GitHub Wiki

Goal of result reporting

Provide information that can help isolate issues resulting in shorter times to find problems.

Reduce development time by being able to react on information.

Detailed requirements

The following list is a list of requirements for the test result database that shall be implemented in order to meet the customer needs.

Requirement Tag Category Description
TRDB.Multisite Storage and retrieval Must provide multisite access to the test results
TRDB.Centralize Must provide a central place where all test results for a product are stored
TRDB.PushResults Different test frameworks/test harnesses shall be able to send their results to the test result repository.
TRDB.Environment The test result repository must be capable of storing information about the HW and SW configuration on which the test was executed.
TRDB.TestVersion The test result reposity must record the version of the test scripts that have been executed
TRDB.LogFiles Debug logs for all failing tests must be stored and associated to their respective test cases that were executed
TRDB.TestLogs Test logs for all executed tests must be stored with their respective test cases. (Test evidence)
TRDB.Administration Test result repository shall store information about the name of the tester, date, time that a test was executed
TRDB.TestConclusion Test result repository must store whether a test has passed or failed
TRDB.ResponseTime Useability/performance Users must be able to access their test results in 30 seconds or less
TRDB.Characterization In cases where characterization has taken place and additional information is needed in order to make a judgment the result should be reported as unkown
TRDB.Trending Presentation The test result repository must be able to display trending of test results over systems and SW baselines.
TRDB.Views It shall be possible to provide different views of the same data for different users. Project manager, SW developer, SW tester, HW developer, test managers etc.
TRDB.Notification Users shall be able to receive notification of tests result that have subscribed to (email, RSS feeds, sms etc.).
TRDB.Presentation The presentation of the results must have no knowledge of the data storage structure.
TRDB.UserAccount Security Only users that have been granted permission for a particular project can view the test results.

From these requirements the design choices can be made see Design choices

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