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librsswitch (remote socket switch) is a Raspberry Pi Linux library for controlling remote controlled power sockets. The library emulates the encoder chip within the power socket remote control, so a separate 433 MHz sender is needed.

librsswitch is written in C and heavily inspired by rcswitch-pi, which is based on rc-switch.

##Supported devices At the moment librsswitch supports the following devices:

  1. REV 008345
  2. Pollin 2605

##Hardware setup The socket remote controls come with a 433 MHz sender module. Section HardwareSetup gives a detailed overview of how to connect such a 433 MHz transitter to the Raspberry Pi.

##Software setup

  • Install the C library bcm2835 on your Raspberry Pi.



Use function socket_send() from within your program to either switch a socket on or off.

socket_send(uint dev, uint group, uint socket, uint data);
  • dev: Vendor ID (check the table of supported devices)
  • group: Socket group
  • socket: Socket within a socket group
  • data: 1 = On, 0 = Off