extensions extension config xml matrix - getrailo/railo GitHub Wiki

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config.xml matrix

Tag config

Attribute Description
dynamic This attribute contains a method name of the install.cfc. It can completely fill the form dynamically. The method receives the loaded ExtensionConfig CFC as an argument.

Tag step

Attribute Description
dynamic This attribute contains a method name of the install.cfc. It can completely fill the step of the installation form dynamically. The method receives the loaded ExtensionStep CFC as an argument.
label Label of the step
description Description of the step

Tag group

Attribute Description
dynamic This attribute contains a method name of the install.cfc. It can completely fill the group on a form step dynamically. The method receives the loaded ExtensionGroup CFC as an argument.
label Label of the group
description Description of the group

Tag item

Attribute Description
full-dynamic This attribute contains a method name of the install.cfc. In contrary to the attribute dynamic, the method does not receive the current item as a parameter, but the parent group element (ExtensionGroup CFC). This allows inserting items in an existing group dynamically.
dynamic This attribute contains a method name of the install.cfc. It can completely fill the item of the group on a form step dynamically. The method receives the loaded ExtensionItem CFC as an argument.
label Label of the item
description Descritption of the item
name Name of the item
type Type of the item. Valid values are:
  • text
  • radio
  • checkbox
  • select
  • hidden
  • password
value Default value of the item. The default value can be defined in the body of the tag as well.

Tag option

Attribute Description
label Label of the option
description Description of the option
selected Sets whether the option is selected or not. Valid values are true and false
value Default value of the item. The default value can be defined in the body of the tag as well.

Next step - The extension.cfc matrix

Extension documentation:

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