Introduction - galizia-lab/pyview GitHub Wiki
PyView (formerly called "VIEW") is a powerful program to analyze optical imaging data interactively, and to analyze multiple data sets off line using uniform settings, thus allowing for rigorous statistical data. The program has been developed over many years to study odor-evoked activity patterns in insect brains, for a variety of quite different experimental approaches. Therefore, many different settings were implemented, resulting in a strong and powerful platform: different data formats, different dyes used, different calculations and corrections for bleaching, noise, movement artifacts. Data reporting in many formats have also been implemented: as images, as movies, as time-traces. Using information about single stimuli, complex stimuli, repeated stimuli – it is all in there. Most importantly: everything that can be done interactively can also be done off-line, to create statistically coherent datasets.
We have taught our students and our colleagues how to use PyView, and we learned that it can be an overwhelming experience. Settings are expressed in flags, and there are so many of them, that keeping track is difficult. Also, as in all these instances: the help section in the Wiki works well for those who already know what they are looking for, but is difficult to use for a novice.
This tutorial is hands-on: after a short introduction about the philosophy of the program, you will be guided through a synthetic data set, and learn about the possibilities of PyVIEW.
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