Creating a python environment - galizia-lab/pyview GitHub Wiki
Creating a Python environment
Step 1: Download an environment file for conda
Download one of the following files based on your operating system (right click on the the link and choose "Save link as"):
- Linux: conda_py310_linux.yml
- Mac/Windows: conda_py310_mac_win.yml
NOTE: If you have previously created an environment for VIEW, please delete the environment (conda remove --name <environment_name> --all
Step 2: Create the conda environment
- [Windows only] If you have a Powershell open in administrator mode, please close it.
- Open a terminal/Powershell and navigate into the the folder where the file
was downloaded
Quick FAQ: How do I navigate into a folder?
type in `cd `(note the SPACE after 'cd') and just drag and drop the folder into which you want to navigate, and press ENTER. An alternative is to type the full command which would look something like `cd C:\....`) and press ENTER.
- Run
conda env create -f ./conda_py310*****.yml
(more info if you run into problems)
If the above command gets stuck at "Resolving ....", it could be because you have default packages set in your `.condarc` file. In that case:
1. Create a new environment with Python 3.10 without default pacakges:
`conda create --no-default-packages -n <environment_name> python=3.10`
2. Then install each dependency from `conda_env_py310.yml` **from the channel conda-forge**
`conda install -c conda-forge pyqtgraph ...`
You have successfully created a conda environment for VIEW