Category Management - fudforum/FUDforum GitHub Wiki
This Category Manager admin control panel allows administrators to create, edit, remove and reposition the categories for their forums. FUDforum uses categories as containers to logically group forums together.
At the top of the page is a form that will allow you to add a new category. When you are editing a category, the form's values will be filled up with the category's properties allowing you to edit them.
The name of the category.
Description of the category, this text will appear adjacent to the category name.
You can put raw HTML into this field.
Whether or not users can collapse (hide) this category on the front page. Note the expand (+) and collapse (-) buttons in front of category names.
Control the default appearance of this category on the front page. Available choices:
- open (uncollapsed)
- collapsed
- compact
Make this category a child of another category (subcategory) to create a hierarchy of categories.
Where to insert the category, below or on top of all the other categories in the forum.
Below the form there is a list of all the existing categories in the forum. This list contains links that allow you to edit the category, delete the category, change its position in the category list and edit the forums inside this category.
A list of categories is presented at the bottom of the page with the following controls next to each of them:
When you click on this link you will be taken to a forum management page, allowing you to manage the forums assigned to this category.
Edit the category options and properties. Empty categories without forums won't appear in the forum's index page.
Clicking this link will delete the category and all of the forums assigned to it. Deleted forums can later be undeleted from the Deleted Forums ACP.
Clicking on the change link will allow you to change the order in which this category is displayed on the forum's pages.