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Some simple, text-based skins for Rainmeter (a desktop customization and system monitoring program)
The suite includes skins for
- Time and Date
- The weather
- Text notes
- Your media player
- Basic system monitoring
- Web search
Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Skin Configuration
The skins are easily configurable using context menus or simple text options inside the skin files. See the Skin Configuration page for instructions on how to configure each skin.
Changing Appearance
The Appearance Settings page describes how to make simple appearance changes that apply to all the skins in the suite, such as fonts and colors.
Language Translations
The suite comes with several languages available already, and it's easy to add your own. See the Languages page for details on how to change the language the skins use, create a personal translation for your language, and contribute a translation to the project.
- amc242: Russian translation
- mothergarage: German translation
- Skymil: French translation
- Requios: Dutch translation
- lewwcom: Vietnamese translation
- DietrichHeinz: Brazilian Portuguese translation
- jogerj: Indonesian translation
- The primary font is Century Gothic by Monotype Imaging
- The secondary font is Futurist Fixed-Width by WSI
- The wallpaper which inspired these skins, and is used for the .rmskin banner image and other preview images is Elementary by emats
- Weather data is provided by the
- Spotify plugin by .raptor