Appearance Settings - flyinghyrax/Elementary GitHub Wiki

Elementary includes some Variables which are applied to every skin in the suite. You can use these to make simple appearance changes like the font and color.

To change any of these settings,

  1. Edit the file Elementary\@Resources\ in a plain text editor (like Notepad)
  2. Find the variable you want to change and replace the portion after the = sign with your desired value
  3. Save the file
  4. Refresh any loaded Elementary skins to see the change

These are the appearance variables in the file:

Name Description Default
font The primary font used by the skins. You can use any installed font, just keep in mind that the positions of the skin elements are optimized for the two default fonts. (More information on Fonts in Rainmeter) (JSMorley's handy RainFont utility) Century Gothic
font2 The secondary font used by the skins. See above. Futurist Fixed-Width
style Sets the attributes of the text in the skins. This sets the StringStyle setting on all the string meters in all the skins. Valid values are NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, and BOLDITALIC. NORMAL
color The primary color for the skins, given in Decimal (rrr,ggg,bbb,aaa) or Hexadecimal (RrGgBbAa) format. For darker skins, try 0,0,0,200 and experiment from there. (More information on Color Codes in Rainmeter) 255,255,255,180
highlight An optional highlight color. Many of the skins can show some of their text in the main color (above) and some of their text in a second color (this one). By default, this is 'turned off' by setting it to #color#, so that the highlight color will match the main color. Simply change this to a valid color code to enable the highlight color. #color#

This file also contains the language variable; see the Languages page for information on that.

Advanced - MeterStyles

The same file contains the MeterStyles used for all the string meters in the skins. You can apply more advanced changes to the appearance of the skins by editing the keys and values in these styles. Keep in mind that the string meters in the skins themselves may override options that you add to the styles.