Servers: Nehalem Westmere EP - feralcoder/shared GitHub Wiki


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IT: OpenStack Servers


Servers: SkyLake KabyLake Servers: Ivy Bridge

Where Used

IT: OpenStack Servers (controller nodes)
Servers: HP Proliant BL460c Gen6

WHY Westmere

  • Nehalem (and Westmere) allow much lower TDP CPU's than Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge (40W vs 60W).
  • Die shrink of Nehalem, which reintroduced hyperthreading.


I'm using only sub-60W CPU's in my own builds to drive down noise and power...
This is adequate (I hope) for controller nodes.

MODEL cores watts memspeed passmarkCPU passmarkThread

L5630 6c 40w 1333 2836 (1031)
L5640 6c 60w 1333 4841 (1155)

DUAL L5630 4c 40w 1333 6450 (964)
DUAL L5640 6c 60w 1333 8586 (1206)
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