Mixtape 22: By Tonight, You’ll Be History - ern2150/FVCR GitHub Wiki

Title (as of 20210307): By Tonight, You’ll Be History
Versions: 20200202 (New), 20200531 (Archive), 20200204 (Repeat)
Other Broadcasts: 20200220, 20200517, 20200609, 20201013, 20210105

Summary: The Cuts Are Coming from Inside the Film!

End of Service: Originally thought to be part of MM6, but missing from that compilation.

Version 20200531 (Archive) Length: 01:24:42.


Mixtape 21: Enlightenment Isn't Serious#Opening thru IFD, 13 segments, 4:36

Mixtape 21: Enlightenment Isn't Serious#DOMO thru TWO YEARS LATER HONG KONG, 6 segments, 2:09

Common Sources: Ninja Terminator (1985)#Vortex Harry LOOK 1:05

Common Sources: National#Vortex THEN 12s

Mixtape 17: Don't Come to Me with Tales of Failure#Let's find out thru Ninja Anthem, 1:47

Super Platoon opening (screenshots) 1:20

Common Sources: Thunder of Gigantic Serpent (1988)#Hide 2:06

Common Sources: American Commando 2 - Hunting Express (1988)#By Tonight Youll Be History TITLE DROP 2:26

Super Platoon at 11:02 (screenshots) 2:12

Common Sources: National#Paraglide 30s

Common Sources: Ninja USA (1985)#Mustache Meeting 40s

Common Sources: Golden Ninja Warrior (1986)#Storm the gate 2:17

Common Sources: Jerry Harris#Vortex EMERGENCY 33s

Cyber Ninja at 37:29 (screenshots) 4:50

Common Sources: Ninja the Protector (1986)#Money Changer 3:40

Sony 1998 Handycam Camcoder demo tape at 8:55 (screenshots) 2:35

Vortex#Seaside 1:00

Common Sources: Ninja USA (1985)#Gym Rats 3:43

Vortex#OH 2s

Common Sources: Ultimate Ninja (1986)#Victor asks Roger for help 3:04

Common Sources: Hanuman and the 5 Kamen Riders (1975)#Dog 1:24

Common Sources: Fairy and the Devil (1982)#Freeze Farewell 1:47

Common Sources: Haunted House Elf (1990)#Exercise 3:36

Common Sources: Legend of the Fist of the North Star (1993)#Go-kart 1:50

Common Sources: BMX Plus - Freestyle's Raddest Tricks (1985)#HI-TORQUE 17s

Common Sources: Hanuman and the 5 Kamen Riders (1975)#Eagle 2:45

Common Sources: Ninja Strike Force (1988)#Vortex ZOO 1:10

Common Sources: Hanuman and the 5 Kamen Riders (1975)#Rogues Gallery 7:25

Common Sources: Three Headed Monster (1988)#Boy Hunts Ginseng 4:18

Vortex#22 12s

Common Sources: Three Headed Monster (1988)#Monks Hunt Ginseng 1:30

Vortex#OH 2s

Common Sources: Ninja USA (1985)#Bridge too far 8:20

Common Sources: Jerry Harris#Vortex EMERGENCY 7s

Common Sources: Ninja USA (1985)#Chasing Waterfalls 8:00

Common Sources: Ninja the Protector (1986)#Whats a ninja 5s

Vortex#BERL 47s

Research notes



  • Used tilde-A and keyword VHS: VISÃO VIDEO apresenta
  • King of Snake scene where adult is juggling Mosler's young friend at the bottom of the stairs. Movie is in the Codex, but on Archive dot org, so it's not easy to "scrub" through on mobile. The clip is near the end since Mosler is about to be killed, so a thumbnail at 4,950 seconds seems similar, and the skip-back button works well with patience. Timecode is 1:22:43, and converting that to seconds is 82*60+43=80*60+2*60+43=4800+120+43=4963. King of Snake at 82:43.
  • instead of always switching back and forth between scenes and sources, this mixtape decides sometimes to stay inside a source but jump over scenes, sometimes even within the same chapter of the movie. Witness several of the Glasses Guy (but not the "no-good shitheads" moment) scenes from Golden Ninja Warrior strung together:
  • glasses smokes then storms gate [Golden Ninja Warrior at 68:41]
  • jump forward to more in-gate fighting [Golden Ninja Warrior at 70:28]
  • jump forward to tongue defense which leads to forced sideways splits [Golden Ninja Warrior at 71:00]
  • Cyber Ninja scene inside white stone death zone. Another Archive dot org only source, and no thumbnails. I could download the DVD ISO and look at the chapters but I’ll just scrub instead. Cyber Ninja at 37:29
  • Stuart Smith as Victor asks his friend Roger (and his wife) if he can stay with them for a couple of months. IMDb with those character names leads to The Ultimate Ninja. It's listed in the Codex, but the Archive dot org copy doesn't have good navigable thumbnails. I had already found a YouTube link from mixtape 08, and forgot ha. Scrubbing through leads to The Ultimate Ninja at 11:10. This also reveals that the Bruce Baron "shit!" follows it in the source movie as well as the mixtape.


  1. Filmark movie with lots of Anglo names in credits over military action. No entry in Codex.
Name Credit Notes
Christ Hanna film (director?)
Barry Hyman starring
Kevin Brooks starring
Rachel Sheen starring
Albert Wilton starring
David Arch with (actor)
William Quaid with
Joe Fields with
Sally Short with
Stuart Lyne and (actor) https://m.imdb.com/name/nm8215025/ only credit: Super Platoon

Super Platoon Cast: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2496166/fullcredits/cast?ref_=m_tt_cl_sc

Super Platoon opening

  1. Balcony/roof with scaffolding where man in black t-shirt is tied up, large white sub-title "HONG KONG". Torturer (who is wearing one of the IFD Yellow Jackets of Invincibility) speaks the TITLE DROP. Maybe given that significance someone ID'd the movie in my chat notes, which are organized by broadcast -- time to update the wiki header. Woman higher on roof shoots torturer and then man in black's bonds, freeing him, as well as taking out another baddie in a red-paneled jacket. He joins her and wants her to leave with him, but she tells "Hank" to just go, and that she was ordered to make him fall in love with her. Searching for “Godfrey Ho Hank” eventually led me to IMDb entry for Advent Commando 2: Hunting Express, whose cover very clearly has the mixtape scene in it. It also has the “being attacked from behind while reading a map” scene in it.

Found the full movie! [American Commando 2 Hunting Express at 13:37]. It was under Helena William, who has supplied several other sources, so I could’ve looked there first, but it’s clear Google related searches are not linear.