NL Estimation Model - electricitymaps/electricitymaps-contrib GitHub Wiki

Model Overview

The data fetched from ENTSO-E for NL is incomplete. The ENTSO-E production mix does not reflect the data published by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). These differences are mainly due to mislabeled production modes and to coverage.

Figure 1: Production mixes in 2021

The main differences for 2021 between the two datasets are:

  • Biomass is much lower on ENTSO-E (3.5%) compared to CBS (8.2%),
  • Coal production is significantly higher in the ENTSO-E data (20.9%) compared to CBS (14%),
  • Gas seems to be underreported on ENTSO-E (42.5%) compared to CBS (46.9%),
  • No hydro and no oil generation reported on the ENTSO-E transparency platform,
  • Solar is almost not covered by ENTSO-E, 0.3% compared to 9.6% in CBS data,
  • Wind is underreported on ENTSO-E (12.9%) compared to CBS (15.3%). It seems like onshore wind is not fully covered by ENTSO-E. According to the CBS annual data, onshore wind was 55% of total wind production in 2021 compared to 38% in the ENTSO-E data,
  • The share of unknown production on ENTSO-E (16.2%) is much higher than on CBS (1.7%),
  • Nuclear is the only production mode with matching values between the two datasets.

A significant share of total production is not labeled correctly and is aggregated as unknown in the ENTSO-E data. Unfortunately, it is not possible to know how this unknown production is split across all modes. Consequently, production is estimated using the following Mode Breakdown model:

  • Nuclear production is not estimated.
  • Solar production is mostly not covered by ENTSO-E and is estimated using Electricity Maps models, replacing the ENTSO-E data.
  • Wind production is underreported by ENTSO-E. Wind production is also estimated using Electricity Maps models, replacing the ENTSO-E data.
  • The CBS production from gas, coal, biomass, hydro, oil, unknown is aggregated and prorated for each year. These shares are used to reallocate the aggregated remaining ENTSO-E production.

Figure 2: Breakdown of remaining production for 2021

The estimated production mix for 2021 is the following.

Figure 3: Estimated production mix for 2021