Page Index - eecse4750/e4750_2024Fall_students_repo GitHub Wiki
26 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- EECS E4750: Heterogeneous Computing for Signal and Data Processing (Fall 2024)
- Course Information
- Instructor
- Teaching Assistant(s)
- Course Overview
- Course Content
- Setup steps
- Basic Data Type
- CUDA Device Information
- CUDA threads v cores
- Getting Started with PyOpenCL
- Getting Started With Python
- Google Cloud VM Setup
- Google Cloud VM Setup checkpoint
- Homework Reports
- Homework Reports checkpoint
- Indexing in OpenCL & CUDA
- Introduction to CUDA Profiling using Nvidia Nsight Compute
- Introduction to CUDA Profiling using Nvidia Nsight Compute checkpoint
- Introduction to Profiling using nvvp
- OpenCL event profiling
- PyCUDA Tutorial
- PyOpenCL Tutorial
- sample report checkpoint
- VM GUI Setup