Conference call notes 20161026 - easybuilders/easybuild GitHub Wiki

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Notes on the 62nd EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday October 26th 2016 (5pm - 6pm CET)


Alphabetical list of attendees (4):

  • Joachim Hein (Lunarc, Lund University, Sweden)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • Bart Oldeman (McGill University, Canada)
  • Guilherme Peretti Pezzi (CSCS, Switzerland)



EasyBuild 3.0 roadmap
RPATH support
  • building GCC 5.4.0 with --rpath enabled fails in a weird way
  • considered success if OpenFOAM can be built on top of foss/2016b with --rpath enabled
  • Bart: alternate approach to using RPATH: use EasyBuild in Nix (which does RPATH by default)
    • this works to build HPL/OpenFOAM with iompi toolchain
deprecating old/inactive toolchains
  • about 100 software pkgs would be lost because they're only available with old toolchains
  • because the projects are dead, or nobody cares about them anymore, or because they're "good enough"?
  • AP KH: open issue with a list
  • --try-toolchain=foss,2016a to the rescue?
Cross compiling
  • e.g. issue with FFTW mentioned by Joachim on ML: configure with --enable-avx2, or not?
    • add FFTW easyblock that figures out which processor features are available, determine which configure options should be used?
    • not using AVX2 for FFTW may cause 4x slowdown on Haswell, in theory...
  • FFTW is just one example, there are others
  • for FFTW specifically it may be OK, since it builds 'fat' binaries with runtime detection
    • similar approach in recent OpenBLAS
  • other example of cross compilation:
  • open issue in framework repo to track what is needed for this?
  • mostly a documentation problem to mention how cross compilation is supported now...
    • e.g. build on every cluster + --optarch control