securing hardening - dvanmosselbeen/security-cheat-sheet GitHub Wiki

Securing - Hardening

Securing and hardening your systems is the most important thing there is. This is not only about a computer, but every electronic device such as a desktop computers, a laptop computers, tablets, smartphones, printers, but also all you smart devices. By smart devices, we are talking about your smartwatch, your smart lights, your Google Nest and all these modern technologies that are "connected" to your life.

Table of Contents


The awareness is probably the most important of all in keeping your system secure. By training yourself, you employees, your family, will already have a serious impact of "security" holes.


IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) are tools that will detect (IDS) or event prevent (IPS) to have "issues". Well, at least, if they are configured correctly.

At least, being informed that there are some "strange" activities going on, will hopefully

Protection Tools

  • snort

Web Server

Protection Tools

  • Fail2ban

SSH Server

Protection Tools

  • Fail2ban

FTP Server

Who still use this. Idiot?? Already heard of the FTP 10 round trips? No, this is like going to a bar after bar, until you have made to the 10th bar. If you are able to do that.

FTP Should die Yes, read it...

Protection Tools

Anyway, if you like beer like me, still see for this:

  • Fail2ban