Testing & Debugging - dotherightthing/wpdtrt-plugin-boilerplate GitHub Wiki
DTRT WordPress Plugin Boilerplate supports common & best practice approaches to debugging and testing.
- Stable @ 1.5.0
A) Demo shortcode
The demo shortcode can also be useful in checking that different shortcode arguments and combinations generate the correct output.
B) Manual testing
Testing the plugin in a dedicated WordPress install prevents other plugins from contributing their own bugs.
C) WordPress Unit tests
Unit tests may be authored in ./tests/test-pluginname.php
Authoring WordPress Unit tests
Useful links:
- DTRT - PHP Unit Testing, revisited
- https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/en/7.1/configuration.html
- http://richardsweeney.com/testing-integrations/
- Collection of notes on WP_UnitTestCase
- https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/tests/phpunit/includes/factory.php
- https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/tests/phpunit/includes/factory/
- How to Use WP_UnitTestCase go_to() to Simulate Current Page
- https://codesymphony.co/writing-wordpress-plugin-unit-tests/#object-factories
- https://miya0001.github.io/wp-unit-docs/
- https://codesymphony.co/creating-your-own-wordpress-unit-test-factories/
- What's the difference between a mock & stub?
Automated WordPress testing (local)
WP_UnitTestCase tests create a dedicated WordPress environment at runtime.
MAMP Settings
Window > Main Window > MySQL > Allow network access to MySQL: only from this Mac
You may test/debug this with:
mysqladmin create database_name --user=theuser '--password=thepassword' --host=localhost --protocol=tcp
Environmental variables (1.4.25)
Add your local MySQL credentials to your bash profile, to avoid storing multiple copies of sensitive information.
$ sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
$ export WPUNIT_DB_USER="foo"
$ export WPUNIT_DB_PASS="bar"
$ export WPUNIT_DB_HOST=""
Running tests
Tests can be run as follows. Test results are output to the Terminal.
// Setup (if not run already)
composer install
yarn install
yarn run build
// Run tests
yarn run test
If you are having problems installing the WordPress Test Suite, please read PHP Unit Testing, revisited for setup gotchas and solutions.
Automated WordPress testing (CI server)
When code is pushed to the GitHub repository, any WordPress unit tests are automatically run by the Travis CI (Continious Integration) server.
If any of these tests fail, the build|passing
badge on the GitHub project page will change to read build|failing
. Click the badge to view the Travis build log to better understand which test has failed.
Tenon Accessibility testing via WordPress
TODO: Code needs to be merged into boilerplate and documented here.
- DTRT WordPress Plugin Boilerplate - Add Tenon WCAG linting (#121)
- DTRT Gallery 1.7.15 - Shortcode test
WordPress Debugging
A) Debug helper
PHP can be debugged using the bundled DTRT Debug.
Add this code to your_wordpress_folder/wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);
global $debug;
$debug->log( $STRING_OR_ARRAY );
Other debugging functions are available.
Viewing debug messages
Debug messages are output to your_wordpress_folder/wp-content/debug.log
D) Cypress.io Front End Unit tests
See: Testing & Debugging: Cypress.io
- JavaScript (JSDoc, see
) - PHP (PHP Documentor, see