DbModel - do-/node-doix-db GitHub Wiki

DbModel is an object representing the logical structure of a database.


const myDB = // initialize connection
const myModel = new DbModel ({
   db: myDB,
// src: '/my/project/db/model',   //  {root}
// src: ['/my/project/db/model'], // [{root}]
   src: [
//     name: null,   
//     schemaName: 'public',   
       root: // [
//       ...
//     ],
//     filter: (str, arr) => arr.at (-2) === 'Model', // **/Model/*
//     ext: '.js',
//     merger: new myDbObjectMerger (someMergingOptions),

If db is set, the model injects there a reference to itself: myModel.db.model === myModel.

More on the src option

In general, src is a list of elements corresponding to individual schemata entries.

If the model contains only one schema, src may be a single object instead of a 1-element Array.

A string value may be used instead of the Object element: in this case, the it is considered the root value.

Any model contains the default schema which name is null. The completely missing src acts as src: [{name: null}].

Name Type Description
name String The logical schema name. null for the default schema. Must be unique across the model.
schemaName String The physical schema name. If omitted, defaults to name. Must be unique across the model.
root String or [String] see DbSchemaSource
filter (String, Array) => Boolean see DbSchemaSource
ext String see DbSchemaSource
merger ObjectMerger see DbSchemaSource


Name Type Description
schemata Map Collection of DbSchemas of the database described
defaultSchema DbSchema The default schema behind this model, alias for this.getSchema (null)
db DbPool Source of physical connections to the database
lang DbLang Normally, a copy of db.lang made by loadModules ()


Name AKA Description
'objects-created' DbModel.EV_OBJECTS_CREATED Emitted at end of createObjects (). By default, the resolveReferences () invoker is subscribed here.



For a given src element (see above), creates a new DbSchema and stores it into this.schemata.


For a given record Object and an Array of DbTable names, copies the .data property from each of them to record under the corresponding name. Returns the modified record.


This synchronous method takes no parameters and returns a new instance of DbQuery for the underlying database.


For a given name, returns the corresponding DbSchema.


For a given name in the defaultSchema or ${schemaName}.${objectName}, returns the corresponding DbObject or undefined unless it exists.


This synchronous method scans schemata and calls schema.src.load () wherever available (thus, loading schema content from module files). At the end, the 'objects-created' event is emitted.


This synchronous generator provides the sequence conaining all DbObjects in all schemas of the model.


This synchronous method scans this.map for DbRelation instances and completes initialization of DbReferences of their columns by setting targetRelation / targetColumnName / targetColumn and copying targetColumn.type to the cost column type.