DbSchemaSource - do-/node-doix-db GitHub Wiki

DbSchemaSource is a ModuleMap descendant used to fill in a DbSchema from source files.


const myDbSchemaSource = new DbSchemaSource ({
   root: '/opt/myProject', // or ['/opt/myProject', ...]
// filter: (str, arr) => arr.at (-2) === 'Model', // **/Model/*
// ext: '.js',
// merger: new myDbObjectMerger (someMergingOptions)


Name Type Description
schema DbSchema The schema this source is for
root String or [String] Absolute path(s) to read sources from
filter (String, Array) => Boolean An indicator function to filter relative paths (the 1st parameter is the path string, the 2nd is same string split by path separators)
ext String File extension to check for (aside from filter)
merger ObjectMerger An instance of custom object merger, in case when the default DbObjectMerger is not enough

The root, filter and ext options are passed to the ModuleLoader constructor.


Name Type Description
loader ModuleLoader the directory scanner
merger ObjectMerger the object used to merge the content of equally named modules found in different directories


load ()

This method scans through loader.requireAll () result and for each [name, module] pair obtained:

  • stores it by calling set (name, module) (with merging, see below);
  • emits the 'complete' event by means of merger for each existing entry;
  • finally calls schema.add () for each resulting key-value pair.

set (key, value)

The standard set method is rewritten so for an existing key, the new value is merged into the old one instead of overwriting it.

In this class, set is called internally by load and not intended for direct use.