Web Application Properties - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


Some Web Application configured in archive may require certain web application specific properties to be configured for it, depending upon where each of these web applications get used in the archive.

Web Application Properties Configurations based on use cases

WADO / QIDO Exporter used in Pre fetch of WADO objects feature.

Properties Configurable values Default Notes
allow-any-hostname true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to accept server certificates which does not match the actual host name of the server.
disable-trust-manager true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to do not need to configure a truststore for verifying the server certificate
Properties Configurable values Default Notes
allow-any-hostname true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to accept server certificates which does not match the actual host name of the server.
disable-trust-manager true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to do not need to configure a truststore for verifying the server certificate
bearer-token eg. UmFuZG9tbHkgdG9rZW4u Send specified token in HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <TokenValue>
basic-auth eg. admin:secret Use HTTP Basic Authentication with specified <user>:<password>
content-type true
indicates to copy all patient attributes from entity to the created UPS workitem

Archive as STOW client in STOW RS Exporter

Properties Configurable values Default Notes
allow-any-hostname true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to accept server certificates which does not match the actual host name of the server.
disable-trust-manager true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to do not need to configure a truststore for verifying the server certificate
bearer-token eg. UmFuZG9tbHkgdG9rZW4u Send specified token in HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <TokenValue>
basic-auth eg. admin:secret Use HTTP Basic Authentication with specified <user>:<password>
chunked true
false Indicates to send STOW-RS requests in chunked transfer mode
transfer-syntax eg. JPEGLosslessSV1 Comma separated list of Transfer Syntax identified by its UID or keyword acceptable by the STOW-RS service. If absent or if the Transfer Syntax of object stored at archive matches with one of the configured values, send the object in the Transfer Syntax as it is stored at the archive. Otherwise send the object decompressed to Explicit VR Little Endian. If the specified list does not include Explicit VR Little Endian, but Implicit VR Little Endian, the objects will be send decompressed to Implicit VR Little Endian.
concurrency 1 Specifies maximal number of concurrently invoked STOW-RS requests.
Properties Configurable values Default Notes
allow-any-hostname true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to accept server certificates which does not match the actual host name of the server.
disable-trust-manager true
false If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to do not need to configure a truststore for verifying the server certificate
Properties Configurable values Notes
IID_PATIENT_URL weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "patientID={{patientID}}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" - {{patientID}} - Replaced by Patient ID (0010,0020) formatted as HL7® 2 CX data type
- {{patientName}} - Replaced by Patient's Name (0010,0010) encoded in the DICOM PN format
- {{patientBirthDate}} - Replaced by Patient Birth Date (0010,0030) encoded in the XML primitive dateTime format

{{patientName}} and {{patientBirthDate}} can be passed in Weasis URL similar to {{patientID}}
IID_STUDY_URL weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "studyUID={{studyUID}}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" - {{studyUID}} - Replaced by Study Instance UID (0020,000D) of the SOP Instance
- {{studyUID}} - Replaced by Accession Number (0008,0050) of the SOP Instance

{{accessionNumber}} can be passed in Weasis URL similar to {{studyUID}}
Recommended _self to avoid opening a new empty window in the web browser

Notes :

  • {{currentDateTime-P[{years}Y][{months}M][{weeks}W][{days]D]}} - Replaced by past time encoded in the XML primitive dateTime

  • {{qidoBaseURL}} is replaced by the current REST service specific URL. Web Service Path of the Web Application is not used.

  • {{qidoBasePath}} is replaced by the Web Service Path of the Web Application.

  • For secured REST services in archive, pass {{access_token}} in the IID_PATIENT_URL and IID_STUDY_URL which is replaced by OpenID Connect JWT Access Token.

    IID_PATIENT_URL=weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "patientID={{patientID}}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
    IID_STUDY_URL=weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "studyUID={{studyUID}}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
  • {{currentDateTime-P[{days}D][T[{hours}H][{min}M]}} may be passed as value of

    Parameter Name REQ Description Notes
    lowerDateTime O Used to constrain the earliest study date/time. Shall be encoded in the XML primitive dateTime format.
    upperDateTime O Used to constrain the latest study date/time. Shall be encoded in the XML primitive dateTime format.

CD Import feature in professional version of archive

Properties Configurable values Notes
MWLAccessionNumberGenerator <name-of-cd-import-acc-no-id-generator> Requires an Accession Number specific ID Generator to be configured first.
STOWWebApp <name-of-cd-import-stow-web-app> Requires a Web Application with STOW_RS Web Service Class configuration first.
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