STOW RS Exporter - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


An exporter is needed if one intends to store objects from archive to a remote destination using the Export queue. An export of objects can be done in two ways :


  • Configure a remote Web Application for each of the system(s) acting as STOW-RS server(s). Archive is pre-configured by default with a stowrsd device which can act as a remote STOW-RS server emulating the stowrsd tool where DICOM objects can be stored.

  • Optionally, configure one or more properties to this web application

    Name Description Default Value Example
    chunked Indicates to send STOW-RS requests in chunked transfer mode false chunked=true
    concurrency Specifies maximal number of concurrently invoked STOW-RS requests. 1 concurrency=5
    transfer-syntax Comma separated list of Transfer Syntax identified by its UID or keyword acceptable by the STOW-RS service. If absent or if the Transfer Syntax of object stored at archive matches with one of the configured values, send the object in the Transfer Syntax as it is stored at the archive. Otherwise send the object decompressed to Explicit VR Little Endian. If the specified list does not include Explicit VR Little Endian, but Implicit VR Little Endian, the objects will be send decompressed to Implicit VR Little Endian. - transfer-syntax=JPEGLosslessSV1
    bearer-token Send specified token in HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <TokenValue> - bearer-token=UmFuZG9tbHkgdG9rZW4u
    basic-auth Use HTTP Basic Authentication with specified <user>:<password> - basic-auth=admin:secret
    allow-any-hostname If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to accept server certificates which does not match the actual host name of the server. false allow-any-hostname=true
    disable-trust-manager If HTTPS is used you may set this property to true to do not need to configure a truststore for verifying the server certificate false disable-trust-manager=true

Using Archive UI

There are two ways to Create an Exporter using the Configuration page of Archive UI.

  1. Using Create Exporter wizard :
    • Use Configuration page -> Devices tab. In More Functions select Create Exporter. Select the archive device to which Exporter needs to be connected to. On Exporter section, enter the values for Exporter ID, URI (eg. stowrs:stowrsd. Note that STORESCP here is the Remote AE acting as destination), Queue Name and Application Entity (AE) title. Optionally choose to configure one or more optional configurations and Apply.
    • If one wants to add more optional values to the Exporter, use Configuration page -> Devices tab. Select dcm4chee-arc -> Extensions -> Edit extension -> Device Extension -> Extensions -> Edit extension -> Archive Device. In its Child objects from the list of Exporter Descriptor select the Exporter created above. Choose to optionally configure one or more of the other configurations and Save.
  2. Create Exporter via Configurator :
    • Use Configuration page -> Devices tab. Select dcm4chee-arc -> Extensions -> Edit extension -> Device Extension -> Extensions -> Edit extension -> Archive Device.
    • In its Child objects select + Add a new Exporter against the field Exporter Descriptor.
    • Enter the values for Exporter ID, URI (eg. dicom:STORESCP. Note that STORESCP here is the Remote AE acting as destination), Queue Name and Application Entity (AE) title. Optionally choose to configure one or more of the other configurations and Save.

Using LDAP

One may either

  • create a LDIF file (e.g.):

      version: 1
      # The Exporter object, specifies the type and destination of the export,
      # which local AE shall perform the forward, and which JMS Queue shall be used to queue Export
      # Tasks ready to be performed, and optionally to defer the export to specified times
      dn: dcmExporterID=StowExporter,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: dcmExporter
      dcmExporterID: StowExporter
      dcmURI: stow:DCM4CHEE
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE1
      dcmQueueName: Export1
      dicomDescription: Export objects using STOW-RS service
      # defer export after business hours (between 6 pm and 6 am, or at any time on Saturday and Sunday)
      #dcmSchedule: hour=18-6 dayOfWeek=*
      #dcmSchedule: hour=* dayOfWeek=0,6

and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapadd command line utility or the LDIF Import... function of Apache Directory Studio

  • or directly use the New Entry... function to create corresponding Exporter entries.

DCM4CHEE mentioned in the dcmURI is acting as the STOW server destination of objects exported from intermediary archive (DCM4CHEE1).

Some attributes in the above example have been commented out. They only show possible configurations (one may choose to add them or set with different values based on one's application needs) related to schedules and properties.

Refer Exporter Descriptor to understand the description of attributes.

Go to the Control tab on Configuration page in archive UI and reload the configuration.

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