New Archive Attribute Coercion Application of multiple coercions for one use case using multiple rules - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki



Using a New Archive Attribute Coercion, multiple coercions can be applied on an incoming / outgoing datasets for a use case, without the dependency on hardcoding of coercions' application as was present in legacy archive attribute coercions.


  • With new archive attribute coercions, users are now free to apply as many coercion rules as required for a particular use-case and are not limited to a specific cascaded sequence of application of coercions using only one rule as was the case in legacy archive attribute coercion.
  • More flexibility to decide whether rules of lesser priority should be applied or not based on values configured for Attribute Coercion Priority and Attribute Coercion Sufficient


  • Multiple rules required to achieve a single use case. Previously with legacy archive attribute coercions users could achieve applying multiple coercions using only one coercion rule, whereas now users need to split the one coercion to multiple coercions to achieve the same end result of coercions application for a given dataset. (This will be more clear in an example shown below)
  • Bloats the coercions configuration for client sites heavily relying on coercions which are used as workarounds for faulty hospital workflows.

Configurations Specifics

Configurations common to all coercion types

Attribute Coercion Priority

Attribute Coercion Sufficient

  • Indicates behavior on failure applying this (current) Attribute Coercion.

  • Default value RETHROW

  • Configurable values

    Value Meaning
    RETHROW Propagates failure to operation which applied this (current) Attribute Coercion
    CONTINUE Continues applying other matching attribute coercions of lesser priority
    SUFFICIENT Does not apply other matching attribute coercions of lesser priority
  • DICOM Message Element on which the Attribute Coercion shall be applied

  • Configurable values

    Value Meaning
    C_STORE_RQ Applicable to objects stored / retrieved using C_STORE / STOW / WADO
    C_FIND_RQ Applicable to C-FIND / QIDO request datasets
    C_FIND_RSP Applicable to C-FIND / QIDO response datasets
    N_CREATE_RQ Applicable to N-CREATE request datasets

DICOM Transfer Role



  • Coercions are applied when datasets match specified Conditions.
  • Identifies the URI scheme of coercion type to be applied on the dataset.
Coercion Type Values / Examples Notes
Coerce attributes from XSL xslt:<path-to-custom.xsl> Ensures customized stylesheet transformation is applied to the coerced dataset.
Optionally, may require Other Coercion Parameter(s) configuration
Merge attributes from MWL merge-mwl:<path-to-merge-mwl.xsl> Ensures queried MWL's attributes are coerced in objects stored to archive.
Additionally requires Other Coercion Parameter(s) configuration
Merge attributes
Nullify Attributes
merge-attrs: Attributes to be merged or nullified shall be specified by DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameter(s) field
Supplement attributes from configured device sup-from-dev: Device's attributes which are to be supplemented shall be referenced in Device Name Coercion Parameter
Anonymize or de-identify attributes deidentify:RetainDeviceIdentityOption,RetainUIDsOption Supported De-identification profiles :
(proprietary) RetainPatientIDHashOption

Specify multiple values using comma separator
Coerce from leading archive leading-arc:<LEADING_ARC_AET>
Coerce Calling AE Title use-calling-aet-as:ScheduledStationAETitle Applicable value in URI Scheme Specific Part

Only applicable for coercing
-incoming C-STORE requests to archive
-incoming (MWL) C-FIND requests to archive
-incoming (MWL) C-FIND responses to archive
-outgoing (MWL) C-FIND requests from archive
Retrieve object attributes as received retrieve-as-received: Retrieves object's attributes from local archive to be sent to destination, as it was received from the source.
Nullify Pixel Data nullify-pixel-data: Nullifies Pixel Data from dataset.
Most applicable to retrieving study from archive, i.e. outgoing C-STORE requests from archive
Trim ISO 2022 Character Set trim-ISO2022: Replaces single code for Single-Byte Character Sets with Code Extensions by code for Single-Byte Character Sets without Code Extensions in received composite objects.
Refer character sets to which this coercion applies.

Most applicable to coerce
-incoming C-STORE requests to archive
-incoming (MWL) C-FIND requests to archive
-incoming (MWL) C-FIND responses to archive
-outgoing (MWL) C-FIND requests from archive

Configuration specific to Supplementing from Device coercion type

Applicable only for Supplement attributes from Device Coercion Type explained in Attribute Coercion URI

Supplements attributes to

  • incoming C-STORE requests on receive of studies to archive
  • incoming (MWL) C-FIND requests to archive
  • incoming (MWL) C-FIND responses to archive
  • outgoing (MWL) C-FIND requests from archive
  • incoming MPPS N-CREATE requests to archive

if DICOM attributes are present on device and missing in above incoming / outgoing requests / responses to / from the archive. Device level attributes applied on each entity level are as follows :

Supplement entity ->
Applicable Device level fields
Instance MWL MPPS Query
Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021)
Issuer of Accession Number (0008,0051) Y
also inside RequestAttributesSequence
inside ScheduledStepAttributesSequence
also inside RequestAttributesSequence
Issuer of Admission ID (0038,0014) Y Y Y Y
Issuer of Service Episode ID (0038,0064) Y Y Y Y
Issuer of Container Identifier (0040,0513) N N N Y
Issuer of Specimen Identifier (0040,0562) N N N Y
Order Placer Identifier (0040,0026) Y
inside RequestAttributesSequence
inside ScheduledStepAttributesSequence
inside RequestAttributesSequence
Order Filler Identifier (0040,0027) Y
inside RequestAttributesSequence
inside ScheduledStepAttributesSequence
inside RequestAttributesSequence
Manufacturer (0008,0070) Y N N N
Manufacturer Model Name (0008,1090) Y N N N
Software Version(s) (0018,1020) Y N N N
Station Name (0008,1010) Y N N N
Device Serial Number (0018,1000) Y N N N
Institution Name(s) (0008,0080) Y N N N
Institution Code(s) (0008,0082) Y N N N
Institution Department Name(s) (0008,1040) Y N N N
Institution Address(s) (0008,0081) Y N N N

Configuration specific to Merge or Nullify Attributes coercion type

  • Applicable only for Merge Attributes Coercion Type explained in Attribute Coercion URI
  • DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameters in format {attributeID}={value} wherein specified {attributeID} can be a Keyword or Tag number, some examples :
    • PatientID=JMS{PatientID}
    • PatientID={PatientID,slice,3}
    • IssuerOfPatientID={00100010,hash}-{00100030}
  • {attributeID} inside {value} will be replaced by the value of that attribute in the original dataset. Refer various Attributes Formatting Options on Coercions that can be used.
  • To nullify an attribute, just specify attribute without any value {attributeID}=, for example :

Configuration specific to Coerce from Leading Archive coercion type

Attribute Update Policy

  • Identifies applicable Attribute Update Policy and is applicable only for Coerce from leading archive Coercion Type explained in Attribute Coercion URI
  • Default value MERGE
  • Refer meanings of applied Attribute Update Policy
  • Note : REPLACE attribute update policy is not made use of in coercions.

Configurations specific to Merge from MWL or Coerce from XSL coercion types

Applicability to Coercion Types
explained in Attribute Coercion URI
Other Coercion Parameters
Coerce attributes from XSL xsl-no-keyword=true
Merge attributes from local MWL SCP match-by=AccessionNumber
Merge attributes from external MWL SCP match-by=AccessionNumber

Other Coercion Parameters - Merge attributes from local MWL SCP - Notes

  1. match-by
  • Equivalent to legacy coercion's Merge MWL Matching Key

  • Specifies attribute of received object to lookup MWL Item used to coerce request attributes. If absent, request attributes of received objects will not be coerced.

  • Configurable values for match-by key :

    Value Meaning
    AccessionNumber Only Accession Number from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    StudyInstanceUID Only Study Instance UID from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    PatientID Patient ID and Accession Number from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs. If Accession Number not available in object attributes, only Patient ID considered for querying MWLs.
    PatientIDOnly Only Patient ID from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    PatientIDAccessionNumber Patient ID and Accession Number from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs. If Accession Number not available in object attributes, fall back to Study Instance UID.
    ScheduledProcedureStepID Scheduled Procedure Step ID and Study Instance UID from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    Note : Scheduled Procedure Step ID is taken from Request Attributes Sequence from DICOM images' dataset.
  1. local-mwl-scp
  • Equivalent to legacy coercion's Merge Local MWL Worklist Label(s)
    • Note : Until v5.29.2 legacy coercion contained Merge Local MWL SCP(s) in place of current Merge Local MWL Worklist Label(s) config (available v5.30.0 onwards).
  • AE Title of archive’s MWL SCP used to lookup MWL Item to coerce request attributes of received objects. If absent, the Archive DB is queried for a matching MWL item provided by any Archive MWL AE.
  • Multiple values for local MWL SCP can be specified using (|) separator, f.e. in CUF local-mwl-scp=CBLM_CUFVNA|HPRT_CUFVNA
  1. local-mwl-status
  • Equivalent to Merge Local MWL With Status(s)
  • Only consider MWL items with one of the specified Scheduled Procedure Step Status codes.
    • READY
  • Multiple values for local MWL status can be specified using (|) separator, f.e. local-mwl-status=READY|ARRIVED

Other Coercion Parameters - Merge attributes from external MWL SCP - Notes

  1. match-by : Same as above
  2. mwl-scp
  • Can be only single valued, i.e. only one external MWL SCP AET can be specified.
  • Equivalent to legacy coercion's Merge MWL SCP.
  • AE Title of External MWL SCP used to lookup MWL Item to coerce request attributes of received objects. If configured, external MWL SCP is queried by invoking a C-FIND RQ of the DICOM MWL Service and Merge Local MWL Worklist Label(s) are ignored.
  1. filter-by-scu
  • Equivalent to legacy coercion's Merge MWL Filter by SCU
  • Indicates to apply specified filter on matches returned by external MWL SCP.

Legacy vs New Coercions comparison

There are considerable differences in the way legacy and new archive attribute coercions' functioning and configuration.

Functional Comparison

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Single use case requires one coercion rule Single use case requires multiple coercion rules
Sequence of application of coercion for single use case is hardcoded User has flexibility to decide sequence of application of multiple coercion rules for the single use case
Certain coercion types applicable only for certain use cases
f.e. Trim ISO 2022 applicable only for incoming (MWL) C-FIND / C-STORE and outgoing C-FIND requests
Applicability of Coercion types is independent of use case, typically though it may not be a tangible use case
f.e. With new coercions, Trim ISO 2022 can also be applied to incoming MPPS / outgoing C-STORE requests

Configuration Comparison based on Coercion Types

Supplement from device

Refer Supplement Dataset Attributes from Device for general understanding on this coercion type.

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Supplement from Device set to <device> from where attributes are to be supplemented Set Attribute Coercion URI to sup-from-dev:
Device Name Coercion Parameter set to <device> from where attributes are to be supplemented

Merge from local MWL

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Merge MWL Template URI set to <path-to-merge-mwl.xsl>
Merge MWL Matching Key
Merge Local MWL Worklist Label(s)
Merge Local MWL With Status(s)
Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-mwl:<path-to-merge-mwl.xsl>
See examples in Other Coercion Parameter(s) &
explanation in Other Coercion Parameter(s) - Merge attributes from local MWL SCP - Notes

Note :

  • Until v5.29.2 legacy coercion contained Merge Local MWL SCP(s) in place of current Merge Local MWL Worklist Label(s) config (available v5.30.0 onwards).

Merge from external MWL

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Merge MWL Template URI set to <path-to-merge-mwl.xsl>
Merge MWL Matching Key
Merge MWL Filter by SCU
Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-mwl:<path-to-merge-mwl.xsl>
See examples in Other Coercion Parameter(s) &
explanation in Other Coercion Parameter(s) - Merge attributes from external MWL SCP - Notes

Coerce attributes from custom XSL

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
XSL Stylesheet URI set to <path-to-custom.xsl>
(Optional) No Attribute Keyword set to true
Set Attribute Coercion URI to xslt:<path-to-custom.xsl>
(Optional) Other Coercion Parameter(s) set to xsl-no-keyword=true

Coerce attributes from Leading Archive

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Leading C-FIND SCP set to <LEADING_ARC_AET> Set Attribute Coercion URI to leading-arc:<LEADING_ARC_AET>

Merge Attributes

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure attributes to be merged using Merge Attribute(s) Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-attrs:
Configure attributes to be merged using DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameter(s)

Nullify Attributes

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure attributes to be nullified using Nullify Attribute Tag(s)
eg. Nullify Attribute Tag(s) : 00080050
Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-attrs:
Configure attributes to be nullified using DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameter(s)
eg. AccessionNumber=

Nullify Issuer of Patient ID

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure Nullify Issuer of Patient ID to ALWAYS nullify Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) and Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence (0010,0024) in DICOM dataset Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-attrs:
Configure attributes to be nullified using DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameter(s) eg.

Nullify Issuer of Patient ID based on MATCHING or NOT_MATCHING issuers

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure Nullify Issuer of Patient ID to
to nullify
-Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021)
-Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence (0010,0024)
in DICOM dataset, if their values match / don't match with
values specified in Issuer of Patient IDs config

Set Issuer of Patient IDs with a values of Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) with(-out) Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence(0010,0024) to be matched within dataset
Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-attrs:

Configure attributes to be nullified using DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameter(s)

Set Conditions to values of Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) with(-out) Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence(0010,0024) to be matched within dataset.

Supplementing Issuer of Patient ID

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure Issuer of Patient ID Format to f.e.
implying to use hash value of Patient Name (0010,0010) and Patient's Birth Date (0010,0030) (from DICOM dataset) separated by -.

Optionally, set Nullify Issuer of Patient ID / Issuer of Patient IDs to ALWAYS nullify Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) with(-out) Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence(0010,0024) or to nullify these when values to be matched within dataset are MATCHING / NOT_MATCHING with values specified in Issuer of Patient IDs
Set Attribute Coercion URI to merge-attrs:

Configure Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) to be merged using DICOM Attribute Coercion Parameter(s)


Nullify Pixel Data

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure PixelData to be nullified using Nullify Attribute Tag(s)
eg. Nullify Attribute Tag(s) : 7FE00010
Set Attribute Coercion URI to nullify-pixel-data:

De-identify attributes

Supported De-identification Profiles :

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure one or more de-identification profiles for De-identification(s) Set Attribute Coercion URI to f.e. deidentify:RetainDeviceIdentityOption,RetainUIDsOption

Specify multiple values using comma separator

Retrieve object attributes as Received

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Set Retrieve as Received to true Set Attribute Coercion URI to retrieve-as-received:

Coercion to Use Calling AE Title As

The AE Title of Calling system / client is primarily used to coerce incoming (MWL) C-FIND / C-STORE requests to archive.

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Configure Use Calling AE Title as to either
Set Attribute Coercion URI to use-calling-aet-as:ScheduledStationAETitle
or to

Trim ISO 2022 Character Set

Refer Trim ISO 2022 Character Sets using Coercions for general understanding on this coercion type.

Legacy archive Attribute Coercion New Archive Attribute Coercion
Set Trim ISO 2022 Character Set to true Set Attribute Coercion URI to trim-ISO2022:

Client Setup Coercion Use-Case Example - Legacy vs New

As an example from a client setup env, consider legacy coercion to merge incoming object's attributes sent by modalities (which are using OMI stream worklist) using (own archive's) local MWL SCP.

The following coercion rule applies coercion types in ascending order of application

Using UI

Name                         : coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna
DIMSE                        : C_STORE_RQ
DICOM Transfer Role          : SCU
Conditions                   : ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
Nullify Issuer Of Patient ID : ALWAYS
Nullify Attribute Tag(s)     : 00080051
Supplement from Device       : ehCOS-ADT
Merge Attributes             : SpecificCharacterSet=ISO_IR 100
Merge MWL Matching Key       : AccessionNumber
Merge MWL Template URI       : ${jboss.server.temp.url}/dcm4chee-arc/mwl2study-cuf.xsl
Merge MWL Local SCP(s)       : CBLM_CUFVNA

Using Ldif

dn: cn=coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna,dicomDeviceName=arc1-a,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
objectClass: dcmArchiveAttributeCoercion
cn: coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna
dicomTransferRole: SCU
dcmMergeMWLMatchingKey: AccessionNumber
dcmMergeMWLTemplateURI: ${jboss.server.temp.url}/dcm4chee-arc/mwl2study-cuf.xsl
dcmNullifyIssuerOfPatientID: ALWAYS
dcmNullifyTag: 00080051
dcmNullifyTag: 00100024
dcmNullifyTag: 00380014
dcmProperty: ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
dcmSupplementFromDeviceReference: dicomDeviceName=ehCOS-ADT,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org

To apply same sequence of coercion types using new archive attribute coercion, above one legacy coercion shall be split into multiple new coercions for explained use case.

Using UI

Name                         : coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - nullifyIssuers
DIMSE                        : C_STORE_RQ
DICOM Transfer Role          : SCU
Conditions                   : ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
Attribute Coercion Priority  : 3
Attribute Coercion URI       : merge-attrs:
DICOM Attribute Coercion     : 00080051 
Parameter(s)                   00100021
Name                         : coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeSpecificCharSet
DIMSE                        : C_STORE_RQ
DICOM Transfer Role          : SCU
Conditions                   : ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
Attribute Coercion Priority  : 2
Attribute Coercion URI       : merge-attrs:
DICOM Attribute Coercion     : SpecificCharacterSet=ISO_IR 100
Name                         : coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeSpecificCharSet
DIMSE                        : C_STORE_RQ
DICOM Transfer Role          : SCU
Conditions                   : ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
Attribute Coercion Priority  : 1
Attribute Coercion URI       : sup-from-dev:
Device Name Coercion         : ehCOS-ADT
Name                         : coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeSpecificCharSet
DIMSE                        : C_STORE_RQ
DICOM Transfer Role          : SCU
Conditions                   : ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
Attribute Coercion Priority  : 0
Attribute Coercion URI       : merge-mwl:${jboss.server.temp.url}/dcm4chee-arc/mwl2study-cuf.xsl
Other Coercion Parameter(s)  : match-by=AccessionNumber

Using Ldif

dn: cn=coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - nullifyIssuers,dicomDeviceName=arc1-a,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
objectClass: dcmArchiveAttributeCoercion2
cn: coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - nullifyIssuers
dicomTransferRole: SCU
dcmRulePriority: 3
dcmProperty: ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
dcmURI: merge-attrs:
dcmCoercionParam: 00080051=
dcmCoercionParam: 00100021=
dcmCoercionParam: 00100024=
dcmCoercionParam: 00380014=
dn: cn=coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeSpecificCharSet,dicomDeviceName=arc1-a,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
objectClass: dcmArchiveAttributeCoercion2
cn: coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeSpecificCharSet
dicomTransferRole: SCU
dcmRulePriority: 2
dcmProperty: ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
dcmURI: merge-attrs:
dcmCoercionParam: 00080005=ISO_IR 100
dn: cn=coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - supplementIssuerOfPIDFromDevice,dicomDeviceName=arc1-a,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
objectClass: dcmArchiveAttributeCoercion2
cn: coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - supplementIssuerOfPIDFromDevice
dicomTransferRole: SCU
dcmRulePriority: 1
dcmProperty: ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
dcmURI: sup-from-dev:
dcmSupplementFromDeviceReference: dicomDeviceName=ehCOS-ADT,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
dn: cn=coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeMWL,dicomDeviceName=arc1-a,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
objectClass: dcmArchiveAttributeCoercion2
cn: coerce-c-store-rq - moo-pwo2vna - mergeMWL
dicomTransferRole: SCU
dcmRulePriority: 0
dcmProperty: ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle=VNADEVA_MOO.*|VNADEVB_MOO.*|VNADEVA_PWO.*|VNADEVB_PWO.*
dcmURI: merge-mwl:${jboss.server.temp.url}/dcm4chee-arc/mwl2study-cuf.xsl
dcmSupplementFromDeviceReference: dicomDeviceName=ehCOS-ADT,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️