Conditions - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

Conditions may be required in the following configurations of the archive

and on

allowing users to perform certain operations, when

  • Sending and / or Receiving hostnames and application entities
  • Any of the DICOM attributes in the incoming and / or outgoing datasets

match specific values or follow a certain pattern.


A condition can be specified in one of the following formats such as :

  • SendingApplicationEntityTitle[!]={value}
  • SendingHostname[!]={value}
  • ReceivingApplicationEntityTitle[!]={value}
  • ReceivingHostname[!]={value}
  • {AttributeTagOrKeyword[number]}[!]={value}
  • {SequenceTagOrKeyword.AttributeTagOrKeyword[number]}[!]={value}

wherein the {value} can be specific values or can be specified as regex patterns.

  • Use != for a not matching condition
  • Multiple {value} can be specified using the pipe (|) separator
  • DICOM attribute keyword names or tag numbers can be specified in keys.
  • More than one type of format can be specified by configuring multiple conditions for a given use case.

Examples :

Example Meaning
SendingApplicationEntityTitle=FORWARD apply configuration only when remote system's AE equals FORWARD
Modality!=MR|CT apply configuration for all Modality (0008,0060) values other than MR or CT
PatientID=00.* apply configuration only if Patient ID (0010,0020) begins with 00 prefix
AccessionNumber!=.+ apply configuration only if Accession Number (0008,0050) in object dataset has no value
StudyDescription!=Test apply configuration for studies with Study Description (0008,1030) not valued as TEST
ProcedureCodeSequence.CodeValue=MRProcedure apply configuration only if code (i.e. Code Value (0008,0100)) in Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) matches the specified value.
00180015=JAW|THROAT apply configuration only if Body Part Examined (0018,0015) equals JAW or THROAT.
00321034.00080100=RequestingServiceCode apply configuration if code (i.e. Code Value (0008,0100)) in Requesting Service Code Sequence (0032,1034) matches the specified value.
ImageType[3]=LOCALIZER apply configuration if third value in the multi-valued Image Type (0008,0008) attribute equals Localizer.
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