Legacy Archive Attribute Coercion Application of multiple coercions using one coercion rule - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


Using a Legacy Archive Attribute Coercion, multiple coercions can be applied on an incoming / outgoing dataset which follows a pre-defined cascaded sequence of application of these coercions based on configured fields in the rule.

Note : Not every field in a Legacy Archive Attribute Coercion can be used for every DIMSE transaction / Role.

Configurations Specifics

Configurations common to all coercion types

Rule Priority

  • DICOM Message Element on which the Attribute Coercion shall be applied

  • Configurable values

    Value Meaning
    C_STORE_RQ Applicable to objects stored / retrieved using C_STORE / STOW / WADO
    C_FIND_RQ Applicable to C-FIND / QIDO request datasets
    C_FIND_RSP Applicable to C-FIND / QIDO response datasets
    N_CREATE_RQ Applicable to N-CREATE request datasets

DICOM Transfer Role



  • Coercions are applied when datasets match specified Conditions.

Attribute Update Policy

  • Identifies applicable Attribute Update Policy

  • Default value MERGE

  • Configurable values

    Value Meaning
    PRESERVE Nullifies attributes in the new dataset which are not present in the original dataset
    SUPPLEMENT Attributes not present in original dataset will be supplemented
    MERGE Attribute values will be written from new dataset
    OVERWRITE Attribute values will be nullified in original dataset if these were null in new dataset

Configurations specific to Coercing attributes from XSL coercion type

Can be applicable in all Use Cases

XSL Stylesheet URI

  • Ensures customized stylesheet transformation is applied to the coerced dataset
  • Specify <path-to-custom.xsl>

No Attribute Keyword

Configurations specific to Merging from MWL coercion type

Applicable only in Coerce incoming C-STORE requests on receive of studies to archive - Use case

Following configurations are common to merging attributes from local as well as external MWL SCP.

  • Merge MWL Template URI

  • Merge MWL Matching Key

    Value Meaning
    AccessionNumber Only Accession Number from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    StudyInstanceUID Only Study Instance UID from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    PatientID Patient ID and Accession Number from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs. If Accession Number not available in object attributes, only Patient ID considered for querying MWLs.
    PatientIDOnly Only Patient ID from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    PatientIDAccessionNumber Patient ID and Accession Number from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs. If Accession Number not available in object attributes, fall back to Study Instance UID.
    ScheduledProcedureStepID Scheduled Procedure Step ID and Study Instance UID from DICOM images' dataset considered for querying MWLs.
    Note : Scheduled Procedure Step ID is taken from Request Attributes Sequence from DICOM images' dataset

Merge attributes from local MWL SCP

Until v5.29.2

  • Merge Local MWL SCP(s)

Version 5.30.0 onwards

Merge attributes from external MWL SCP

Configurations specific to Merge attributes coercion type

Can be applicable in all Use Cases

Merge Attribute(s) in format {attributeID}={value} wherein specified {attributeID} can be a Keyword or Tag number, some examples :

  • PatientID=JMS{PatientID}
  • PatientID={PatientID,slice,3}
  • IssuerOfPatientID={00100010,hash}-{00100030}

{attributeID} inside {value} will be replaced by the value of that attribute in the original dataset.

Refer various Attributes Formatting Options on Coercion that can be used.

Configurations specific to Nullify attributes coercion type

Can be applicable in all Use Cases

Nullify Attribute Tag(s) : To nullify an attribute, just specify the DICOM attribute as a hex string, f.e.

  • 00080050 : nullifies Accession Number in the dataset
  • 7FE00010 : nullifies Pixel Data in the dataset

Configurations specific to Nullify Issuer of Patient ID coercion type

Can be applicable in following Use Cases :

Nullify Issuer of Patient ID

Issuer of Patient IDs : Applicable only if Nullify Issuer of Patient ID is set to


Configurations specific to Supplement Issuer of Patient ID Format coercion type

Can be applicable in following Use Cases :

Issuer of Patient ID Format :

Some examples : Assume Issuer of Patient ID Format is configured as {00100010,hash}-{00100030} and your setup has :

Nullify Issuer of Patient ID Issuer of Patient IDs Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) in dataset Resulting coerced value
- - Issuer1 Issuer1-730FB623-19650412
- - - 730FB623-19650412
ALWAYS - Issuer1 730FB623-19650412
ALWAYS - - 730FB623-19650412
MATCHING Issuer1 Issuer1 730FB623-19650412
MATCHING Issuer2 Issuer1 Issuer1-730FB623-19650412
NOT_MATCHING Issuer1 Issuer1 Issuer1-730FB623-19650412
NOT_MATCHING Issuer1 Issuer2 730FB623-19650412

Configurations specific to Supplementing from device coercion type

Can be applicable in following Use Cases :

Supplement from Device

Refer Supplement Dataset Attributes from Device for general understanding on this coercion type.

Configurations specific to De-identify or anonymize attributes coercion type

Applicable only in Coerce outgoing C-STORE requests on sending studies from archive - Use Case


Supported De-identification Profiles :

Configurations specific to Retrieving object attributes as received coercion type

Applicable only in Coerce outgoing C-STORE requests on sending studies from archive - Use Case

Retrieve as Received

Configurations specific to Coerce attributes from leading archive coercion type

Can be applicable in following Use Cases :

Leading C-FIND SCP

Configurations specific to Use Calling AE Title as coercion type

Can be applicable in following Use Cases :

Use Calling AE Title as

Configurations specific to Trim ISO 2022 Character Set coercion type

Can be applicable in following Use Cases :

Trim ISO 2022 Character Set

Refer Trim ISO 2022 Character Sets using Coercions for general understanding on this coercion type.

Use Cases

Applicable coercions for each DIMSE transaction / Role is explained in detail in following links.

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