Amazon S3 Storage - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

Overview and Configuration

S3 Storage may be used as an alternative to filesystems as storage systems for DICOM objects stored to archive. This page explains how an Amazon S3 can be configured as an ONLINE or NEARLINE storage backend.

Amazon S3

  • Login to Amazon S3 console for your region

  • Create a bucket


  • By default Block Public Access settings for this bucket is enabled. You may or may not choose to turn off this setting. Bucket versioning is disabled by default, optionally choose to enable it



  • Keep other parameters unchanged and save the bucket settings.



  • Next create an Access Key and download it. This file contains the values required aws-s3 storage configurations in archive for <access-key> and <secret-key>.



Refer Generic Storage for general information on storage configuration.

To configure Amazon S3 as a storage, configure using one of the following two ways. Replace <bucket-name>, <secret-key>, <access-key> and eu-central-1 with values corresponding to your Amazon S3 bucket and related configurations.

Using Archive UI

  • Go to Storage Descriptors of archive device (Menu -> Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc -> Device Extension -> Archive Device Extension -> Child Objects)
  • Add a new Storage Descriptor as :
    Storage ID : amazon-s3
    Storage URI : jclouds:aws-s3:https://<bucket-name>
    Storage Property : container=<bucket-name>
    Storage Property : jclouds.s3.virtual-host-buckets=true
    Storage Property : credential=<secret-key>
    Storage Property : identity=<access-key>
    Storage Property : jclouds.strip-expect-header=true
    Storage Property : containerExists=true
    Storage Property : jclouds.relax-hostname=true
    Storage Property :

Using LDAP

  • Either create an LDIF file (e.g.):
    version: 1
    dn: dcmStorageID=amazon-s3,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
    objectClass: dcmStorage
    dcmStorageID: amazon-s3
    dcmURI: jclouds:aws-s3:https://<bucket-name>
    dcmDigestAlgorithm: MD5
    dcmProperty: container=<bucket-name>
    dcmProperty: jclouds.s3.virtual-host-buckets=true
    dcmProperty: credential=<secret-key>
    dcmProperty: identity=<access-key>
    dcmProperty: jclouds.strip-expect-header=true
    dcmProperty: containerExists=true
    dcmProperty: jclouds.relax-hostname=true

and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapadd command line utility or the LDIF Import... function of Apache Directory Studio

  • or directly use the New Entry... function to create corresponding Exporter entries.

Refer Storage Descriptor to understand the description of attributes.

For debugging HTTP requests to the S3 provider, configure additional Loggers org.jclouds and jclouds.headers with level DEBUG.

Tests & Verification

Choose to configure and test either or both of the following two use cases :

Use Amazon S3 as ONLINE storage for studies received by archive

  • Configured amazon-s3 as Object Storage ID for DCM4CHEE archive AE


  • Stored study to archive. Verify Storage IDs of Study in study's attributes using Archive UI and corresponding objects in Amazon S3 console.



Use Amazon S3 for exporting studies from archive

  • Create an Exporter Descriptor in archive (Menu -> Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc -> Device Extension -> Archive Device Extension -> Child Objects)

    version: 1
    dn: dcmExporterID=StoreToS3,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOMConfiguration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
    objectClass: dcmExporter
    dcmExporterID: StoreToS3
    dcmQueueName: Export6
    dcmURI: storage:amazon-s3
    dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE
  • Export any study (Navigation -> Studies) using Queued Exporter option to S3 Storage by selecting the above created Exporter Descriptor.


  • Verify in Monitoring -> Export that the export task to store objects in amazon-s3 storage is COMPLETED.


  • Verify stored objects in Amazon S3 console


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